Coaching, Mentoring and Managing: A Coach Guidebook

(Steven Felgate) #1

look before you leap 217
responding to team troubles 213–216
Churchill, Winston 47
clarity 3–6, 19, 26
coaching role 80–111
affirming and acknowledging 81, 104–108
clarifying and verifying 81, 90–103
detached leadership 239
hurdles to performing 238–247
involvement and trust 80, 82–90
motivating and inspiring 81, 108–111
personality 237–238
commitment and mutual support 210–212
common activities for coach 113–114
complaints, five ways to quiet 253–256
confidence building 3, 9-10, 19, 26
confidentiality 3, 17, 20, 26, 49, 183, 210
confrontation, philosophy of 169–172
confrontation process, five-step 172–176
counsel, opportunities to 163–164
guidelines for 168
keys to effective 165–167
results of effective 195

deductive thinkers 136
delegating 232–233
developing trust 83–87
Devine, Dan 79
Disraeli, Benjamin 195
Dryden, John 243

effective coaching interactions, steps for 112–113
effective mentoring, outcome of 152–156
awareness of organizational politics and culture
appreciation of networking 153
proactive approaches to their tasks 153–154

Coaching, Mentoring and Managing
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