Coaching, Mentoring and Managing: A Coach Guidebook

(Steven Felgate) #1

know employees’ character and capabilities 41–49
extradepartmental observations 49
input from the individual 49
personal observation 41–46
supervisory/personnel information 47–48

Lincoln, Abraham 106, 244
listening 5, 18, 63, 65–67, 68, 74, 80, 98, 103, 113, 123,
213, 275
Lombardi, Vince 43, 108

M.E.T. deadlines 255
Mackovic, John 80
managing within the StaffCoach™ Model, four points for
MBWA 82, 114, 244
McCartney, Paul 277
mentoring 125–159
mentors, ten tips for 132–134
modifying behavior, five steps to 189–191
Moomaw, Don 15
Mozart 277
mutual trust and commitment 127–128
mutuality 3, 10–11, 19, 22, 26

Osborne, Tom 233

Paterno, Joe 232
patience 3, 15–16, 17, 20, 22, 26, 54, 90, 128–129, 130–131,
136, 247, 250, 251, 252
patient leadership 127, 128–131
perspective xii, 3, 11–12, 20, 26, 29, 38, 64, 115, 215, 238,
241, 248
Peters, Tom 15, 82, 114, 125, 153, 222
pitfalls to StaffCoaching™ success 55–59

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