Coaching, Mentoring and Managing: A Coach Guidebook

(Steven Felgate) #1

effective feedback 63, 68, 74
empathy and understanding 62, 64, 74
enthusiasm and optimism 63, 70, 75
flexibility 62–63, 74
helping 62–63, 74
humor 63, 71–72, 75
listening 63, 65–67, 74
openness 63, 70–71, 75
proactive mindset 63, 67–68, 74
valuing the employee 62, 64–65, 74
ten values of a successful StaffCoach™ 2–18, 19–20, 26,
35–36, 82
clarity 3–6, 19
confidence building 3, 9–10, 19
confidentiality 3, 17, 20
involvement 3, 16–17, 20
mutuality 3, 10–11, 19
patience 3, 15–16, 20
perspective 3, 11–12, 20
respect 3, 17–18, 20
risk 3, 13–15, 20
supportiveness 3, 6–9, 19
Tilghman, Shirley 213
tools for team 272–274

V + E = M 232, 258

Walsh, Bill 5
Waterman, Robert 222
Welch, Jack 79
What You Are Now Is What You Were Then 22
White, Jennifer xi
WIN (what’s important now) 240

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