Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


gene is an individual element of an organism’s genome and
determines a trait or characteristic by regulating biochemical
structure or metabolic process.
Genes are segments of nucleic acid, consisting of a spe-
cific sequence and number of the chemical units of nucleic
acids, the nucleotides. In most organisms, the nucleic acid is
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), although in retroviruses, the
genetic material is composed of ribonucleic acid(RNA). Some
genes in a cell are active more or less all the time, which
means they are continuously transcribed and provide a con-
stant supply of their protein product. These “housekeeping”
genes are always needed for basic cellular reactions. Others
may be rendered active or inactive depending on the needs and
functions of the organism under particular conditions. The sig-
nal that masks or unmasks a gene can come from outside the
cell, for example, from a steroid hormone or a nutrient, or it
can come from within the cell itself because of the activity of
other genes. In both cases, regulatory substances can bind to
the specific DNA sequences of the target genes to control the
synthesis of transcripts.
In a paper published in 1865, Gregor Mendel
(1823–1884), advanced a theory of inheritance dependent on
material elements that segregate independently from each
other in sex cells. Before Mendel’s findings, inherited traits
were thought to be passed on through a blending of the mother
and father’s characteristics, much like a blending of two liq-
uids. The term “gene” was coined later by the Danish botanist
Wilhelm Johannsen (1857–1927), to replace the variety of
terms used up until then to describe hereditary factors. His
definition of the gene led him to distinguish between genotype
(an organism’s genetic makeup) and phenotype(an organ-
ism’s appearance). Before the chemical and physical nature of
genes were discovered they were defined on the basis of phe-
notypic expression and algebraic symbols were used to record
their distribution and segregation. Because sexually reproduc-
ing, eukaryotic organisms possess two copies of an inherited
factor (or gene), one acquired from each parent, the genotype
of an individual for a particular trait is expressed by a pair of
letters or symbols. Each of the alternative forms of a gene is
also known as alleles. Dominant and recessive alleles are
denoted by the use of higher and lower case letters. It can be
predicted mathematically, for example, that a single allele pair
will always segregate to give a genotype ratio 1AA:2Aa:1aa,
and the phenotype ratio 2A:1aa (where A represents both AA
and Aa since these cannot be distinguished phenotypically if
dominance is complete).
The molecular structure and activity of genes can be
modified by mutationsand the smallest mutational unit is now
known to be a single pair of nucleotides, also known as a
muton. To indicate that a gene is functionally normal it is
assigned a plus (+) sign, whereas a damaged or mutated gene
is indicated by a minus (–) sign. A wild-type Escherichia coli
able to synthesize its own arginine would thus, be symbolized
as arg+and strains that have lost this ability by mutation of
one of the genes for arginine utilization would be arg–.Such
strains, known as arginine auxotrophs, would not be able to
grow without a supplement of arginine. At this level of defini-
tion, the plus or minus actually refer to an operonrather than

a single gene, and finer genetic analysis can be used to reveal
the exact location of the mutated gene.
The use of mutations in studying genes is well illus-
trated in a traditional genetic test called the “cis–transtest”
which also gave the gene the alternative name, cistron. This is
a complementation test that can be used to determine whether
two different mutations (m^1 and m^2 ) occur in the same func-
tional unit, i.e., within the same gene or cistron. It demon-
strates well how genes can be defined phenomenologically
and has been performed successfully in microorganismssuch
as yeasts. It works on the principle that pairs of homologous
chromosomescontaining similar genes can complementtheir
action. Two types of heterozygotes of the test organism are
prepared. Heterozygotes are organisms having different alleles
in the two homologous chromosomes each of which was
inherited from one parent. One heterozygote contains the
mutations under investigation within the same chromosome,
that is in the cis—configuration, which is symbolically desig-
nated ++/m^1 m^2 (m^1 and m^2 are the two mutations under inves-
tigation and the symbol “+” indicates the same position on the
homologous chromosome in the unmutated, wild type state).
The second mutant is constructed to contain the mutations in
such a way that one appears on each of the homologous chro-
mosomes. This is called the trans—configuration and is des-
ignated, for example, by^2 +/+m^1. If two recessive mutations
are present in the same cistron, the heterozygous trans—con-
figuration displays the mutant phenotype, whereas the cis—
configuration displays the normal, wild type, phenotype. This
is because in the cis—configuration, there is one completely
functional, unmutated, cistron (++) within the system which
masks the two mutations on the other chromosome and allows
for the expression of the wild type phenotype. If one or both
mutations are dominant, and the cis–and trans–heterozygotes
are phenotypically different, then both mutations must be
present in the same cistron. Conversely, if the cis–and trans–
heterozygotes are phenotypically identical, this is taken as evi-
dence that the mutations are present in different cistrons.
In 1910, the American geneticist Thomas Hunt Morgan
(1866–1945) began to uncover the relationship between
genes and chromosomes. He discovered that genes were
located on chromosomes and that they were arranged linearly
and associated in linkage groups, all the genes on one chro-
mosome being linked. For example the genes on the X and Y
chromosomes are said to be sex-linked because the X and Y
chromosomes determine the sex of the organisms, in humans
X determining femaleness and Y determining maleness.
Nonhomologous chromosomes possess different linkage
groups, whereas homologous chromosomes have identical
linkage groups in identical sequences. The distance between
two genes of the same linkage group is the sum of the dis-
tances between all the intervening genes and a schematic rep-
resentation of the linear arrangement of linked genes, with
their relative distances of separation, is known as a genetic
map. In the construction of such maps the frequency of
recombinationduring crossing over is used as an index of the
distance between two linked genes.
Advances in molecular geneticshave allowed analysis
of the structure and biochemistryof genes in detail. They are

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