Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


In 1873, Golgi found that silver salts could be used to
dye neurons. The neurons turned black and stood out clearly
from surrounding tissue. Golgi perfected his technique so that
the addition of just the right amount of dye for just the right
period of time would highlight one or another part of the neu-
ron, a single complete neuron, or a group of neurons.
Golgi’s new technique resolved some questions about
the nervous system, but not all. He was able, for example, to
confirm the view of Wilhelm von Waldeyer-Hartz that neurons
are separated by narrow gaps, synapses, and are not physically
connected to each other. He was not able to completely explain,
however, the complex, overlapping network of dendrites.
While studying the brain of a barn owl in 1896, Golgi
made a second important discovery. He found previously
undetected bodies near the nuclear membrane. The function of
those bodies, now known as Golgi apparatus, or Golgi bodies,
is still not understood. For his research on the nervous system,
Golgi was awarded a share of the 1906 Nobel Prize for phys-
iology or medicine.
Between 1885 and 1893, Golgi was also involved in
research on malaria. He made one especially interesting dis-
covery in this field, namely that all the malarial parasitesin an
organism reproduce at the same time, a time that corresponds
to the recurrence of fever.
In addition to his scientific work, Golgi was active in
Italian politics. He was elected a Senator in 1900 and served
in a number of administrative posts at Pavia. Golgi died in
Pavia on January 21, 1926.

See alsoCell cycle and cell division; Cell membrane trans-
port; Golgi body; Malaria and the physiology of parasitic

GGolgi body OLGI BODY

The Golgi body, or Golgi apparatus is a collection of flattened
membrane sacks called cisternae that carry out the processing,
packaging, and sorting of a variety of cellular products in higher
plants and animals. This important cellular organelle was named
in honor of Camillo Golgi, the Italian neuroanatomist who first
described it in brain cells late in the nineteenth century. An indi-
vidual Golgi apparatus is usually composed of four to eight cis-
ternae, each a micron or less in diameter stacked on top of each
other like pancakes. Many cisternal stacks interconnected by
tubules and mobile transport vesicles make up a Golgi complex,
which often is located near the nucleusin the center of the cell.
In some animal cells, this complex can be huge, filling much of
the cytoplasmic space. In some plant cells, on the other hand,
many small, apparently independent Golgi apparatuses are dis-
tributed throughout the cell interior.
Each Golgi stack has a distinct orientation. The cisor
entry face is the site at which transport vesicles bringing newly
synthesized products from the endoplasmic reticulum dock
with and add their contents to the Golgi cisternae. A complex
network of anastomosing (connecting) membrane tubules
attach to and cover the fenestrated cisternae on the cisface and
serves as a docking site for transport vesicles. From the cis

face a flow of vesicles carry transport and chaperone proteins
back to the endoplasmic reticulum, while secretory products
move on into the medial cisternae where further processing
takes place. Finally, the products move to the transor exit face
where they undergo final processing, sorting, and packaging
into vesicles that will carry them to the cell surface for secre-
tion or to other cellular organelles for storage or use. Complex
oligosaccharides are synthesized in the Golgi apparatus, and
glycoproteins are assembled as materials move through the
compartments of this organelle. A unique set of enzymesand
chaperone proteins occur in each of the Golgi compartments
to direct and carry out this complex set of reactions.

See alsoCell cycle and cell division; Cell membrane transport


Gonorrhea is among the most common sexually transmitted
diseases(STD) and is also among the most common bacterial
infections in adults. In the United States, between 2.5 and 3
million cases are reported each year, most occurring in people
under age 30. In its early stages, gonorrhea may cause no
symptoms and therefore, can be spread by unsuspecting vic-
tims. In females, gonorrhea often remains asymptomatic but
can lead to vaginal itching, discharge, or uterine bleeding and
other serious complications. An infected woman who gives
birth can transmit the disease to her infant, often resulting in
childhood blindness. As a precaution, silver nitrate is routinely
administered to the eyes of newborns to prevent this condition.
In males, gonorrhea causes infection of the urethra and painful
urination. Though not deadly, the disease if untreated can infect
other genital organs. If the infection spreads throughout the
blood stream, it can cause an arthritis-dermatitis syndrome.
Gonorrhea was described in early writings from Egypt,
China, and Japan. Warnings against “unclean discharge from
the body” appear in the Bible. A diagnostic description of the
disease was written in the Middle Ages. In the late fifteenth
century, a syphilisepidemic raged throughout Europe, though
at that time, syphilis was often confused with gonorrhea and
some physicians assumed that gonorrhea was the first stage of
syphilis. The gram-negative bacterium that causes gonorrhea
was discovered in 1879 by Albert Neisser (1855–1916), a
German physician who went on to identify the bacterial cause
for leprosy. German immunologist Paul Ehrlichnamed the
bacterium Gonococcus. Since then, five types of the
Gonococcusorganism have been identified.
A test for the presence of Gonococcusbacterium serves
as the diagnostic tool. The first effective treatments for gonor-
rhea were the sulfonamides, which became available in 1937.
During World War II, penicillinbecame widely available for
the treatment of gonorrhea and other bacterial disease.
However, while penicillin and related antibioticsare effective
in about 90% of cases, some strains of the Gonococcusare
becoming resistant to penicillin.

See alsoHistory of the development of antibiotics; History of
public health

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