Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


directly as signals in the control of their own breakdown and
synthesis. Feedback control can be negative or positive.
Negative feedback results in the inhibition by an end product,
of the activity or synthesis of an enzyme or several enzymes
in a reaction chain. The inhibition of the synthesis of enzymes
is called enzyme repression. Inhibition of the activity of an
enzyme by an end product is an allosteric effect and this type
of feedback control is well known in many metabolic path-
ways (e.g., lactose operon). In positive feedback, an endprod-
uct activates an enzyme responsible for its own production.
Many reactions in metabolism are cyclic. A metabolic
cycle is a catalytic series of reactions, in which the product of
one bimolecular (involving two molecules) reaction is regen-
erated as follows: A + B →C + A. Thus, A acts catalytically
and is required only in small amounts and A can be regarded
as carrier of B. The catalytic function of A and other members
of the metabolic cycle ensure economic conversion of B to C.
B is the substrate of the metabolic cycle and C is the product.
If intermediates are withdrawn from the metabolic cycle, e.g.,
for biosynthesis, the stationary concentrations of the metabolic
cycle intermediates must be maintained by synthesis.
Replenishment of depleted metabolic cycle intermediates is
called anaplerosis. Anaplerosis may be served by a single
reaction, which converts a common metabolite into an inter-
mediate of the metabolic cycle. An example of this is pyruvate
to oxaloacetate reaction in the tricarboxylic acid cycle.
Alternatively, it may involve a metabolic sequence of reac-
tions, i.e., an anaplerotic sequence. An example of this is the
glycerate pathway which provides phosphoenol pyruvate for
anaplerosis of the tricarboxylic acid cycle.
Prokaryotes exhibit a great diversity of metabolic
options, even in a single organism. For example, Escherichia
coli can produce energy by respiration or fermentation.
Respiration can be under aerobic conditions (e.g., using O 2 as
the final electron acceptor) or anaerobically (e.g., using some-
thing other than oxygen as the final electron acceptor).
Compounds like lactose or glucose can be used as the only
source of carbon. Other bacteriahave other metabolic capa-
bilities including the use of sunlight for energy.
Some of these mechanisms are also utilized by eukary-
otic cells. In addition, prokaryotes have a number of energy-
generating mechanisms that do not exist in eukaryotic cells.
Prokaryotic fermentation can be uniquely done via the phos-
phoketolase and Enter-Doudoroff pathways. Anaerobic respi-
ration is unique to prokaryotes, as is the use of inorganic
compounds as energy sources or as carbon sources during bac-
terial photosynthesis. Archaebacteria possess metabolic path-
ways that use H 2 as the energy source with the production of
methane, and a nonphotosynthetic metabolism that can con-
vert light energy into chemical energy.
In bacteria, metabolic processes are coupled to the syn-
thesis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the principle fuel
source of the cell, through a series of membrane-bound pro-
teins that constituent the electron transport system. The
movement of protons from the inside to the outside of the
membrane during the operation of the electron transport sys-
tem can be used to drive many processes in a bacterium, such
as the movement of the flagella used to power the bacterium

along, and the synthesis of ATP in the process called oxidative
The fermentative metabolism that is unique to some
bacteria is evolutionarily ancient. This is consistent with the
early appearance of bacteria on Earth, relative to eukaryotic
organisms. But bacteria can also ferment sugars in the same
way that brewing yeast(i.e., Saccharomyces cerevesiaefer-
ment sugars to produce ethanol and carbon dioxide. This fer-
mentation, via the so-called Embden Myerhoff pathway, can
lead to different ends products in bacteria, such as lactic acid
(e.g., Lactobacillus), a mixture of acids (Enterobacteriacaeae,
butanediol (e.g., Klebsiella, and propionic acid (e.g.,

See alsoBacterial growth and division; Biochemistry

MMetchnikoff, Élie ETCHNIKOFF, ÉLIE(1845-1916)

Russian immunologist

Élie Metchnikoff was a pioneer in the field of immunologyand
won the 1908 Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine for his
discoveries of how the body protects itself from disease-caus-
ing organisms. Later in life, he became interested in the effects
of nutrition on aging and health, which led him to advocate
some controversial diet practices.
Metchnikoff, the youngest of five children, was born in
the Ukrainian village of Ivanovka on May 16, 1845, to Emilia
Nevahovna, daughter of a wealthy writer, and Ilya Ivanovich,
an officer of the Imperial Guard in St. Petersburg. He enrolled
at the Kharkov Lycee in 1856, where he developed an espe-
cially strong interest in biology. At age 16, he published a
paper in a Moscow journal criticizing a geology textbook.
After graduating from secondary school in 1862, he entered
the University of Kharkov, where he completed a four-year
program in two years. He also became an advocate of the the-
ory of evolutionby natural selectionafter reading Charles
Darwin’s On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural
In 1864, Metchnikoff traveled to Germany to study,
where his work with nematodes (a species of worm) led to the
surprising conclusion that the organism alternates between
sexual and asexual generations. His studies at Kharkov, cou-
pled with his interest in Darwin’s theory, convinced him that
highly evolved animals should show structural similarities to
more primitive animals. He pursued his studies of inverte-
brates in Naples, Italy, where he collaborated with Russian
zoologist Alexander Kovalevsky. They demonstrated the
homology (similarity of structure) between the germ layers—
embryonic sheets of cells that give rise to specific tissue—in
different multicellular animals. For this work, the scientists
were awarded the Karl Ernst von Baer Prize.
Metchnikoff was only twenty-two when he received the
prize and had a promising career ahead of himself. However,
he soon developed severe eye strain, a condition that ham-
pered his work and prevented him from using the microscope
for the next fifteen years. Nevertheless, in 1867, he completed
his doctorate at the University of St. Petersburg with a thesis

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