Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


posonsat a new site, and most of them contain inverted
repeats at their ends. The major difference between bacterial
transposable elements and their eukaryotic counterparts is the
mechanism of transposition. Only eukaryotic genomes con-
tain a special type of transposable elements, called retro-
posons, which use reverse transcriptase to transpose through
an RNAintermediate.
Transposition may result in splicing of DNA fragments
into or out of the genome. During replicative transposition, the
transposon is first replicated giving a new copy that is trans-
ferred to a new site, with the old copy being left at the origi-
nal site. Nonreplicative transposition however describes the
movement of a transposon that is excised from a donor site,
usually generating a double, and is integrated in a new site.
The most basic transposable elements in bacteriaare
insertion sequences, which encode only for one enzyme, the
transposase. Longer bacterial transposons contain at least one
more protein-coding gene, which most frequently is an antibi-
otic resistancegene. In eukaryotes, retroposons are more
common than transposons. They are either retroviral or nonvi-
ral. Viral retroposons encode for the enzymesreverse tran-
scriptase and integrase and are flanked by long terminal
repeats (LTRs) in the same way as retroviruses. The typical
and most abundant nonviral retroposons are the short inter-
spersed elements (SINEs) and the long interspersed elements
(LINEs), which are usually repeated, many times in the mam-
malian genome. Both SINEs and LINEs lack LTRs and are
thought to transpose through a special retrotransposition
mechanism that involves transcriptionof one strand of the
retroposon into RNA. This RNA undergoes conformation
change (looping) and provides a primer for the synthesis of
single stranded cDNA. The cDNA later serve as template for
the synthesis of a double stranded DNA that is inserted in the
genome by yet unknown mechanisms.
Transposons and retroposons seem to play a role in evo-
lutionand biology by promoting rearrangement and restruc-
turing of genomes. Transposition may directly cause both
deletion and inversion mutagenesis. Furthermore, transpos-
able elements mediate the movement of host DNA sequences
to new locations, enrich the genome with identical sequences
positioned at different locations, and promote homologous
recombination. Such recombination may eventually result in
deletions, inversions, and translocations.
Transposons usually influence the expression of the
genes in proximity of their insertion sites. They have therefore
been extensively used as tools to create random insertion
mutantsin bacteria, yeastand higher eukaryotes. They are
also used in large-scale functional genomic studies. They are
valuable both during the cloningof genes and the generation
of transgenic animals.

See alsoMicrobial genetics; Transposition


Retroviruses are virusesin which the genetic material consists
of ribonucleic acid(RNA) instead of the usual deoxyribonu-

cleic acid(DNA). Retroviruses produce an enzyme known as
reverse transcriptase that can transform RNA into DNA,
which can then be permanently integrated into the DNA of the
infected host cells.
Many genetherapy treatments and experiments use dis-
abled mouse retroviruses as a carrier (vector) to inject new
genes into the host DNA. Retroviruses are rendered safe by
adding, mutating, or deleting viral genes so that the virus can-
not reproduce after acting as a vector for the intended delivery
of new genes. Although viruses are not normally affected by
antibiotics, genes can be added to retroviruses that make them
susceptible to specific antibiotics.
As of 2002, researchers have discovered only a handful
of retroviruses that infect humans. Human immunodeficiency
virus(HIV), the virus that causes acquired immune deficiency
syndrome (AIDS), is a retrovirus. Another human retrovirus,
human T-cell leukemia virus(HTLV), was discovered three
years prior to the discovery of HIV. Both HTLV and HIV
attack human immune cells called T cells. T cells are the linch-
pin of the human immune response. When T cells are infected
by these retroviruses, the immune systemis disabled and sev-
eral serious illnesses result. HTLV causes a fatal form of can-
cer called adult T cell leukemia. HTLV infection of T cells
changes the way the T cells work in the body, causing cancer.
HIV infection of T cells, however, eventually kills T cells, ren-
dering the immune system powerless to stave off infections
from microorganisms.
Retroviruses are sphere-shaped viruses that contain a
single strand or a couple of strands of RNA. The sphere-
shaped capsule of the virus consists of various proteins. The
capsule is studded on the outside with proteins called receptor
proteins. In HIV, these receptor proteins bind to special pro-
teins on T cells called CD4 receptors. CD4 stands for cluster
of differentiation, and CD type 4 is found on specific T cells
called helper cells. The human retroviruses discovered so far
bind only to CD4 receptors, which makes their affinity for T
helper cells highly specific.
The retrovirus receptor docks with a CD4 receptor on a
T cell, and enters the T cell through the T cell membrane. Once
inside, the retrovirus begins to replicate. But because the retro-
virus’s genetic material consists of RNA, not DNA, replica-
tion is more complicated in a retrovirus than it is for a virus
that contains DNA.
In all living things, DNA is the template by which RNA
is transcribed. DNA is a double-stranded molecule that is
located within the nucleusof cells. Within the nucleus, DNA
transcribes RNA, a single-stranded nucleic acid. The RNA
leaves the nucleus through tiny pores and enters the cyto-
plasm, where it directs the synthesis of proteins. This process
has been called the “central dogma” of genetic transcription.
No life form has been found that violates this central dogma—
except retroviruses. In retroviruses, the RNA is used to tran-
scribe DNA, which is exactly opposite to the way genetic
material is transcribed in all other living things. This reversal
is why they are named retrograde, or backwards, viruses.
In addition to RNA, retroviruses contain an enzyme
called reverse transcriptase. This is the enzyme that allows the
retrovirus to make a DNA copy from RNA. Once this DNA

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