Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


proteins within the plant because the genetic code is inter-
preted in the same way. That is, the insect genes give new
characteristics to the plant. This very process has already been
performed with firefly genes and tobacco plants. Firefly genes
were spliced into tobacco plants, which created new tobacco
plants that could glow in the dark. This amazing artificial
genetic mixing, called recombinant biotechnology, is the crux
of transgenics. The organisms that are created from mixing
genes from different sources are transgenic. The glow-in-the-
dark tobacco plants in the previous example, then, are trans-
genic tobacco plants.
One of the major obstacles in the creation of transgenic
organisms is the problem of physically transferring DNA from
one organism or cell into another. It was observed early on that
bacteria resistant to antibioticstransferred the resistance char-
acteristic to other nearby bacterial cells that were not previ-
ously resistant. It was eventually discovered that the resistant
bacterial cells were actually exchanging plasmid DNA carry-
ing resistance genes. The plasmidstraveled between resistant
and susceptible cells. In this way, susceptible bacterial cells
were transformed into resistant cells.
The permanent modification of a genome by the exter-
nal application of DNA from a cell of different genotypeis
called transformation. Transformed cells can pass on the new
characteristics to new cells when they reproduce because
copies of the foreign transgenes are replicated during cell divi-
sion. Transformation can be either naturally occurring or the
result of transgenics. Scientists mimic the natural uptake of
plasmids by bacterial cells for use in creating transgenic cells.
Certain chemicals make transgenic cells more willing to take-
up genetically engineered plasmids. Electroporation is a
process where cells are induced by an electric current to take
up pieces of foreign DNA. Transgenes are also introduced via
engineered viruses. In a procedure called transfection, viruses
that infect bacterial cells are used to inject the foreign pieces
of DNA. DNA can also be transferred using microinjection,
which uses microscopic needles to insert DNA to the inside of
cells. A new technique to introduce transgenes into cells uses
liposomes. Liposomes are microscopic spheres filled with
DNA that fuse to cells. When liposomes merge with host cells,
they deliver the transgenes to the new cell. Liposomes are
composed of lipids very similar to the lipids that make up cell
membranes, which gives them the ability to fuse with cells.
With the aid of new scientific knowledge, scientists can
now use transgenics to accomplish the same results as selec-
tive breeding.
By recombining genes, bacteria that metabolize petro-
leum products are created to clean-up the environment, antibi-
otics are made by transgenic bacteria on mass industrial
scales, and new protein drugs are produced. By creating trans-
genic plants, food crops have enhanced productivity.
Transgenic corn, wheat, and soy with herbicide resistance, for
example, are able to grow in areas treated with herbicide that
kills weeds. Transgenic tomato plants produce larger, more
colorful tomatoes in greater abundance. Transgenics is also
used to create influenzaimmunizations and other vaccines.
Despite their incredible utility, there are concerns
regarding trangenics. The Human Genome Project is a large

collaborative effort among scientists worldwide that
announced the determination of the sequence of the entire
human genome in 2000. In doing this, the creation of trans-
genic humans could become more of a reality, which could
lead to serious ramifications. Also, transgenic plants used as
genetically modified food is a topic of debate. For a variety of
reasons, not all scientifically based, some people argue that
transgenic food is a consumer safety issue because not all of
the effects of transgenic foods have been fully explored.

See alsoCell cycle (eukaryotic), genetic regulation of; Cell
cycle (prokaryotic), genetic regulation of; Chromosomes,
eukaryotic; Chromosomes, prokaryotic; DNA (Deoxyribo-
nucleic acid); DNA hybridization; Molecular biology and
molecular genetics


Translation is the process in which genetic information, car-
ried by messenger RNA(mRNA), directs the synthesis of pro-
teins from amino acids, whereby the primary structure of the
protein is determined by the nucleotide sequence in the
mRNA. Although there are some important differences
between translation in bacteriaand translation in eukaryotic
cells the overall process is similar. Essentially, the same type
of translational control mechanisms that exist in eukaryotic
cells do not exist in bacteria.
A molecule known as the ribosome is the site of the pro-
tein synthesis. The ribosome is protein bound to a second
species of RNA known as ribosomal RNA (rRNA). Several
ribosomesmay attach to a single mRNA molecule, so that
many polypeptide chains are synthesized from the same
mRNA. The ribosome binds to a very specific region of the
mRNA called the promoter region. The promoter is upstream
of the sequence that will be translated into protein.
The nucleotide sequence on the mRNA is translated into
the amino acid sequence of a protein by adaptor molecules
composed of a third type of RNA known as transfer RNAs
(tRNAs). There are many different species of tRNAs, with
each species binding a particular type of amino acid. In pro-
tein synthesis, the nucleotide sequence on the mRNA does not
specify an amino acid directly, rather, it specifies a particular
species of tRNA. Complementary tRNAs match up on the
strand of mRNA every three bases and add an amino acid onto
the lengthening protein chain. The three base sequence on the
mRNA are known as “codons,” while the complementary
sequence on the tRNA are the “anti-codons.”
The ribosomal RNA has two subunits, a large subunit
and a small subunit. When the small subunit encounters the
mRNA, the process of translation to protein begins. There are
two sites in the large subunit, an “A” site, and a “P” site. The
start signal for translation is the codon ATG that codes for
methionine. A tRNA charged with methionine binds to the
translation start signal. After the first tRNA bearing the amino
acid appears in the “A” site, the ribosome shifts so that the
tRNA is now in the “P” site. A new tRNA molecule corre-
sponding to the codon of the mRNA enters the “A” site. A pep-

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