Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1

aerobes, 1:5
blue-green algae, 1:82–83, 1:119, 1:120, 1:154, 1:203, 1:228,
1:235, 2:436
brown algae, 1:6, 1:323–324, 2:421, 2:460
cryoprotection, 1:141–142
diatoms, 1:154–155
dinoflagellates, 1:156
green algae, 2:460
lichens, 1:348–349, 2:407, 2:411
Phaeophyta, 2:421, 2:460
photosynthesis, 2:436
red algae, 2:460, 2:462, 2:488
red-brownish algae, 2:469
red tide, 1:156–157, 2:460, 2:481–482
Rhodophyta, 2:488
snow blooms, 2:522
Xanthophyta, 2:605–606
yellow-green algae, 2:605–606
See alsoPhotosynthetic microorganisms
Alkaline-loving bacteria, 1:211
Alkalinity, pH, 2:433
Allergic rhinitis, 1:10
Allergies, 1:10–11,1: 11
anaphylaxis, 1:17
to antiseptic, 1:31
hives, 1: 311
Allopurinol, 1:184
Allotypes, 1:315–316
Alper, Tikvah, 1:92, 2:464
Alpha globulins, 1:249
Alpha hemolysis, 1:80
Alpha radiation, 2:479
Altman, Sidney, 2:659
Altmann, Richard, 2:650
Alzheimer’s disease, metals, 1:92
Amantadine, 1:33, 1:116
Amber, fossils in, 1:228
Amebiasis, 1:11
Amebic dysentery, 1:11–12,1:169, 2:423
Entamoeba histolytica,1:169, 1:186–187
Giardiaand giardiasis, 1:248–249, 2:462
American Type Culture Collection (ATCC), 1:12,1:12–13,2:383
Ames, Bruce N., 1:13–14,2:657
Amino acid chemistry, 1:14–16,1: 15
genetic code, 1:238
Murchison meteorite, 2:403
protein synthesis, 2:454–455
See alsoProteins and enzymes
Ammonia, 2:410
Ammonification, 2:411
Ammonium, 2:410
Amnesic shellfish poisoning, 2:482
Amoeba, 1:155, 2:459, 2:462
Amoebic dysentery. SeeAmebic dysentery
Amphipods, 2:616
ANA. SeeAntinuclear antibodies
Anaerobes and anaerobic infection, 1:16–17
Enterobacteriaceae, 1:187–188
extraterrestrial microbiology, 1:209–211
methane oxidizing and producing bacteria, 2:378–379
photosynthetic bacteria, 2:436
tetanus and tetanus immunization, 2:543

Anaphase, 1:103, 1:107, 1:244
Anaphase I, 1:105
Anaphylactic shock, 1:17
Anaphylaxis, 1:17,1:287
Anaplerosis, 2:377
Anderson, French W., 2:659
Anderson, Thomas F., 2:653
Andes virus, 1:259
Andrewes, Christopher H., 2:653
Anfinsen, Christian B., 2:657
Anger, Hal, 2:479
Animal models of infection, 1:18,1:18–19
foot-and-mouth disease, 1:227–228, 1:354
hepadnaviruses, 1:264
Koch’s postulates, 1:247, 1:274, 1:327, 1:328, 1:353
swine fever, 2:536–537
See alsoZoonoses
See alsoAnimal models of infection; Parasites; Veterinary micro-
biology; Zoonoses
Animals, cloning, 1:124
Anopheles mosquito, 2:443–444
Anostraca, 2:616
Anthrax, 1:19–22,1: 20
antibiotics, 1:21, 2:467, 2: 467
biological warfare, 1:70, 1:71
diagnosis of, 1:241
enterotoxin and exotoxin, 1:189
inhalation anthrax, 1:70, 1:76
Koch, Robert, 1:19, 1:247, 1:326
terrorist use of as a biological weapon, 1:19–22, 1:241
Anthrax, terrorist use as a biological weapon, 1:19–22,1:22,1:241
Biological Weapons Convention (BWC), 1:71–72, 1:78
transmission of pathogens, 2:553
Anti-adhesion methods, 1:22–23,1:67–68
Anti-cancer drugs. SeeChemotherapy
Anti-mitotic signals, 1:104, 1:106, 1:243
Antibacterial agents
See alsoAntibiotics
Antibacterial agents, acne and, 1:2
Antibiotic resistance, 1:25, 1:309, 2:428
bacterial adaptation, 1:47
biofilms, 1:68
nosocomial infections, 2:412
staphylococci, 2:412
See alsoAntibiotic resistance, tests for
Antibiotic resistance, tests for, 1:23–24
agar diffusion, 1:7
indicator species, 1:308
rare genotype advantage, 2:480
seroconversion, 2:508
sulfa drugs, 2:535
See alsoAntibiotic resistance
Antibiotics, 1:24–25,1:46–47
anaerobes, 1:17
anthrax, 1:21, 2:467, 2: 467
bacteriocidal, bacteriostatic, 1:54–55
Bayer, Manfred E., 1:57–58
bubonic plague, 1:93, 1:95
chemotherapy, 1:116–117
chlamydial pneumonia, 1:118
diphtheria, 1:158
by fermentation, 1:218


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