Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1

Epidemiology, 1:198–200
Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 1:110–112
epidemics, 1:196–198
foot-and-mouth disease, 1:227–228, 1:354
germ theory of disease, 1:28, 1:246–247, 1:273
hantavirus and Hanta disease, 1:258–259
Pasteur, Louis, 2:424–426
protozoa, 2:462–464
selection, 2:506–507
tracking diseases with technology, 1:199–200
tuberculosis, 2:555–557
See alsoEpidemics and pandemics; Infection control
Epidemiology, tracking diseases with technology, 1:199–200
Epidermal growth factor (EGF), 1:104, 1:106
Epifluorescence microscopy, 1:222
Epiglottitis, 1:10
Episomes, plasmids, insertion sequences, and transposons, 1:200, 1:318
Epstein-Barr virus, 1:201,1:267, 2:558
blood borne infection, 1:82
mononucleosis, 1:201, 2:399
Erythema migrans (EM), 1:355
Erythroblastosis fetalis, 1:28, 1:340
Erythromycin, 1:118, 2:430
ESCA. SeeElectron spectroscopy for chemical analysis
Eschar-a sore, 2:493
Escherich, Theodor, 2:650
Escherichia coli,1:174, 1:187, 1:201–202,1:202,1:254,2:386
anti-adhesion methods, 1:22, 1:23
bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC), 1:49
chronic disease, 1:123
colony, 1:129
detection of, 1:308
drinking water, 2:593
enteropathogenic E. coli(EPEC), 1:315
F genes, 1:133
foodborne illness, 1:225, 1:226
genetic studies, 1:123, 2:660
growth of, 1:3, 1:49, 1:254–255
0157:H7 infection, 1:171, 1:203, 1:226, 2:658
Hfr strains, 1:133
matrix porin, 1: 110
phages, 1:55
porins, 2:447, 2: 448
protein export, 2:454
sterilization, 2:531
thermal death, 2:546
transmission, 2:576
water pollution and purification, 2:591–592
Escherichia coli0157:H7 infection, 1:171,1:203, 2:658
Ethyl alcohol, 1:218
Eubacteria, 1:51, 1:203,2:450
Eubacteriobonta, 2:450
Euglenoids, 2:460
Euglenophyta, 2:460
Eukaryotes, 1:204,1:204–205,2:387
cell cycle and cell division, 1:103–105
cellular respiration, 2:484
chromosomes, 1:120–122, 2:387, 2:412, 2:446–447, 2:480–481
DNA, 1:161
genetic regulation, 1:106–108, 1:242–244
glycocalyx, 1:47–48, 1:68, 1:228, 1:250
paramecia, 2:421–422
protein synthesis, 2:454–455

Protista, 2:458–462
retroposons, 2:486
See alsoCell cycle (eukaryotic), genetic regulation of;
Chromosomes, eukaryotic; Cytoplasm, eukaryotic;
Eukaryotic chromosomes; Genetic regulation of eukaryotic
cells; Mycology
Eukaryotic chromosomes. SeeChromosomes, eukaryotic
Euler-Chelpin, Hans von, 1:205–206
Evans, Alice, 1:206–207,2:425
Evolution and evolutionary mechanisms, 1:207–208
Archaea, 1:34
biogeochemical cycles, 1:68–69
cladistics, 2:438
conjugation, 1:133–134
Darwin, Charles, 1:150–151
DNA hybridization, 1:165
evolutionary origin of bacteria and viruses, 1:208–209
gene, 1:237–238
Miller-Urey experiment, 2:389–390, 2:403
Murchison meteorite, 2:403
phylogeny, 2:437–438
radiation mutagenesis, 2:477–478
rare genotype advantage, 2:480
selection, 2:506–507
See alsoLife, origin of
Evolutionary origin of bacteria and viruses, 1:208–209
Archaea, 1:34
biogeochemical cycles, 1:68–69
DNA hybridization, 1:165, 1:170
life, origin of, 1:349–351
Miller-Urey experiment, 2:389–390, 2:403
Murchison meteorite, 2:403
mutants: enhanced tolerance or sensitivity to temperature and pH
ranges, 2:404–405
photosynthesis, 2:436–437
photosynthetic microorganisms, 2:437
phylogeny, 2:437–438
Prokaryotae, 2:450–451
radiation mutagenesis, 2:477–478
rare genotype advantage, 2:480
selection, 2:506–507
See alsoFossilization of bacteria; Life, origin of
Exobiology, 1:343
Exotoxin. SeeEnterotoxin and exotoxin
Extraterrestrial microbiology, 1:209–211,1: 210
extremophiles, 1:211–212
fossils, 1:228
Murchison meteorite, 2:403
Extremophiles, 1:211–212,1: 212
acid-loving bacteria, 1:211
alkaline-loving bacteria, 1:211
autotrophic organisms, 1:39
Brock, Thomas D., 1:88
chemoautotrophic and chemolithotrophic bacteria, 1:115–116
evolution of, 1:208
extraterrestrial microbiology, 1:209–211
halophilic bacteria, 1:211
hydrothermal vents, 1:282–283
Jannasch, Holger Windekilde, 1:319
marine bacteria, 2:366
mesophilic bacteria, 2:376
methane oxidizing and producing bacteria, 2:378–379
pH, 2:433


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