Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


psychrophilic bacteria, 2:466
radiation-resistant bacteria, 2:478–479
sensitivity to pH and temperature, 2:404–405
sulfur cycle, 2:536
taq enzyme, 2:540–541
thermophiles, 1:211
See alsoMutants: enhanced tolerance or sensitivity to tempera-
ture and pH ranges
Eye infections, 1:33, 1:212–213

F genes, 1:133
F-pili, 1:48
Fabaceae, 2:411
Fabrizzi, Girolamo, 2:644
Facilitated diffusion, 1:109
See alsoCell membrane transport
Fairy shrimp, 2:616
Famciclovir, 1:33
Fannie, Angelina, 2:649
Fansidar, 1:184
Farber, Sidney, 1:116
Fatal familial insomnia (FFI), 1:90, 2:520
Fauci, Anthony S., 1:215–216
Feather boa kelp, 1:323
Feldman, Harry Alfred, 1:216–217,1:252
Feline leukemia, 2:487
Feline leukemia virus (FELV), 2:487, 2:575
Fermentation, 1:174, 1:217,1:217–218,2:377
carbon cycle, 1:100–101
defined, 1:224
mold, 2:394–395
wine making, 2:599–601
Fertility. SeeReproductive immunology
Fertility genes (F genes), 1:133
FFI. SeeFatal familial insomnia
FGF. SeeFibroblastic growth factor
Fibrinolysin, 1:125
Fibroblastic growth factor (FGF), 1:104, 1:106
Field ion microscope, 1:180
Filiarisis, 2:423
Filoviruses, 1:172–173, 1:263
Filtration, 1:54, 2:532
FimH, 1:23
Finger, Ernest, 1:339
Finlay, Carlos, 2:545
Firefly, bioluminescence, 1:73
Fischer, Emil, 1:192, 1:339
FISH. SeeFluorescence in situhybridization
Flagella, 1:48, 1:52
Flagellates, 2:459
Flagellin, 1:48
Flash pasteurization, 2:426–427
Flaviviridae, 2:536
Flaviviruses, 1:263, 2:585
Fleas, 2:423
Fleming, Alexander, 1:112, 1:116, 1:218–219,1:219,1:274, 1:276,
2:427, 2:428,2:604, 2:648, 2:653
Flemming, Walther, 2:649, 2:650
Flesh-eating disease, 2:534
Flexner, Simon, 2:494
Florey, Howard Walter, 1:112, 1:116, 1:219–220,1:276, 2:427, 2:653

epidemics and pandemics, 1:193–194, 1:312
Great Flu Epidemic of 1918, 1:220–221
hemagglutinin(HA) and neuraminidase (NA), 1:262–263
See alsoInfluenza
Flukes, 2:423
Fluorescein isothiocyanate, 1:286
Fluorescence in situhybridization (FISH), 1:221–222,2:415
Fluorescence microscopy, acridine orange and, 1:2–3
Fluorescent dyes, 1:65, 1:222
acridine orange, 1:2–3, 1:24
antibiotic resistance tests, 1:23–24
See alsoBiochemical analysis; Laboratory techniques in
immunology; Laboratory techniques in microbiology
Fluorescent probes, 2:415
Folic acid, 1:116
Foliose lichens, 1:348–349
Folliculitis, 2:516
Food additives, 1:225
Food preservation, 1:222–225
Appert, Nicolas François, 1:33–34
enzymes, 1:192–194
mold, 2:394–395
pasteurization, 1:54, 1:246, 1:272, 2:426–427, 2:532, 2:569
yeast, infectious, 2:612–613
Food safety, 1:225–226,1: 226
Appert, Nicolas François, 1:33–34
Campylobacter jejuni,1:99–100
dinoflagellates, 1:157
E. coliO157:H7 infection, 1:171
enzymes, 1:192–194
food preservation, 1:222–225
HACCP, 1:259–260
mold, 2:394–395
pasteurization, 1:54, 1:246, 1:272, 2:426–427, 2:532, 2:569
toxoplasmosis, 2:548
yeast, 2:612–613
Foodborne illnesses, 1:225, 1:226
paralytic shellfish poisoning, 1:157, 2:482
Salmonella,2:503–504, 2:558
staphylococci, 2:530
Foot-and-mouth disease, 1:227,1:227–228,1:354
Forensic identification of microorganisms. SeeGenetic identification of
Formaldehyde, as disinfectant, 1:159
Fossilization of bacteria, 1:228
diatoms, 1:154–155
photosynthetic microorganisms, 2:437
See alsoEvolutionary origin of bacteria and viruses
Fox, George E., 2:658
Fracastoro, Gerolamo, 1:273, 2:644
Fraenkel-Conrat, Heinz, 2:655
Frameshift mutations, 2:405
Francisella tularensis,2:557
Franek, Frantisek, 1:176
Franklin, Rosalind Elsie, 1:162, 2:595, 2:598, 2:655
Freeze-drying, 1:223
Freezing, 1:224
Frerichs, Friedrich von, 1:177
Freund, Jules, 2:653

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