Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


Genetic screening, karyotype analysis, 1:121
Genetically engineered vaccines. SeeVaccine
defined, 1:161
history of, 1:161–163
See alsoDNA; Fungal genetics; Gene; Genetic code; Genetic
identification of microorganisms; Genetic mapping; Genetic
regulation; Genotype and phenotype; Immunogenetics;
Microbial genetics; Molecular biology and molecular genet-
ics; Mutations and mutagenesis; Phage genetics; Phenotype
and phenotypic variation; Proteomics; Radiation mutagenesis;
Recombination; RNA; Transgenics; Transplantation genetics;
Viral genetics
Geneva Protocol for the Prohibition of the Use in War of Asphyxiating,
Poisonous or Other Gases, and of Bacteriological Methods of
Warfare, 1:71
Gengou, Octave, 1:83–84, 2:651
Genital herpes, 2:511–512, 2:513
Genital warts, 2:513
Genome Database, 2:659
Genomics, bioinformatics and computational biology, 1:69–70
Genotype and phenotype, 1:245–246
gene, 1:237–238
phenotypic variation, 2:435
transduction, 2:439
See alsoPhenotype and phenotypic variation
Gentian violet, 1:253
Gépnéthon, French, 2:659
Gerber, Christoph, 1:36
Gerhardt, Karl, 1:177
Germ theory of disease, 1:28, 1:246–247,1:247,1:273
immune system, 1:287–288
Koch’s postulates, 1:247, 1:274, 1:327, 1:328, 1:353
Pasteur, Louis, 2:424–426
German measles, 2:597
Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinder (GSS) syndrome, 1:90, 2:520
Giant kelp, 1:323, 2:462
Giardiaand giardiasis, 1:248,1:248–249,2:367, 2:423, 2:462
Giardia lamblia,1:249, 2:367, 2:531
Gibbs, J. Willard, 1:165
Gierer, Alfred, 2:655
Gilbert, Walter, 2:657, 2:658
Glanders disease, 1:70, 1:353
Gleevec, 2:416
Gliding bacteria, 1:52, 1:249
Globulins, 1:249–250
Glutaraldehyde, as disinfectant, 1:159
Glycocalyx, 1:47–48, 1:68, 1:228, 1:250
Glycolysis, 2:484
Gold, Lois Swirsky, 1:13
Goldin, Barry, 1:337
Golgi, Camillo, 1:250–251,2:648
Golgi body, 1:251
Gonorrhea, 1:251,2:510, 2:512
Goodpasture, Ernest William, 1:252,2:402
Goodpasture’s syndrome, 1:252
Gorbach, Sherwood, 1:337
Gorer, Peter, 2:554
Goss, Raymond, 2:595
Gotschlich, Emil Carl Anton Constantin, 1:252
Gotschlich, Emil Claus, 1:252

Gowans, C.S., 1:288
Grabar, Petr Nikolaevich, 1:298
Gracilaria verrucosa,1:6
Graffky, Georg, 1:353
Gram, Hans Christian Joachim, 1:53, 1:253,2:650
Gram-negative bacteria, 1:51, 1:53, 1:189, 1:253, 2:373, 2:447
Gram-positive bacteria, 1:51, 1:53, 1:158, 1:253, 2:373, 2:412, 2:428,
Gram staining, 1:253–254,1:335
Grana, 1:120
Great Flu Epidemic of 1918, 1:193, 1:220–221
Green algae, 2:460
Greider, Carol, 2:658
Gresser, Ion, 1:288
Griffith, Frederick, 1:338, 2:382, 2:652
Griffith, J.S., 2:464
Group A streptococci, 2:534
Group B streptococci, 2:534–535
Group G streptococci, 2:535
Growth and growth media, 1:254,1:254–255,1:335–336
agar and agarose, 1:5–7
blood agar, 1:80
Petri, Richard Julius, 2:430–431
Growth factors, 1:104, 1:106
Gruber, Max von, 1:255–256,1:339
Gruber-Widal test, 1:255
GSS syndrome. SeeGerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker syndrome
Guanarito virus, 1:34
Guerin, Camille, 2:432, 2:555
Guignard, Jean-Louis-Léon, 2:650
Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS), 1:313, 2:574

HAARD. SeeHighly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy
HACCP. SeeHazard Analysis and Critical Control Points Program
Haddow, Alexander, 1:116
Hadlow, William, 2:464
Haeckel, Ernst, 2:458, 2:648
Haemophilus,1:10, 1:257
Haemophilus aegyptius,1:257
Haemophilus ducreyi,1:257, 2:512
Haemophilus influenzae,1:195, 1:257, 2:374–375
genome, 2:659
history, 2:432
protein export, 2:454
Hair follicle, acne and, 1:1, 1:2
Hairpin telomere, 1:123
Hairy cell leukemia virus, 2:493
Haldane, J.B.S., 1:350
Haller, Albrecht von, 2:645
Halobacteria, 2:436–437
Halobacterium NRC-1,1:235
Halobacterium salinarum,1:211
Halophilic bacteria, 1:211
Halorhodopsin, 2:437
Hamilton, Robert, 2:402
HAN. SeeHealth Alert Network
Hancock, Robert Ernest William, 1:257–258,2:447

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