Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1

Freund’s Complete Adjuvant, 1:5
Friedewald, W.F., 2:495
Friend, Charlotte, 1:228–229, 1: 229
Friend virus, 1:229
Frosch, Paul, 1:227, 1:354, 2:651
Fructose lichens, 1:349
Frustules, 1:155
Fucalean alga, 1:323
Fucoxanthin, 2:460
Fuligo septica,2:519
Fume hood, 1:229–230,1:284
Funch, Peter, 2:659
Fungal genetics, 1:230–231
See alsoMicrobial genetics
Fungal infection
candidiasis, 1:100, 2:516–517, 2:609, 2:612
eye infections, 1:213
fungicides, 1:232
infection control, 1:310–311
skin, 2:517
thrush, 1:261, 2:546–547
Fungi, 1:231,1:231–232,2:387
aerobes, 1:5
Armillaria ostoyae,1:35
basidomycetes, 1:57
Berkeley, Rev. M.J., 1:62–63
candidiasis, 1:100
chitin, 1:117–118
colony and colony formation, 1:129–130
cryoprotection, 1:141–142
cryptococci and cryptococcosis, 1:142–143
hyphae, 1:284
lichens, 1:348–349, 2:407, 2:411
mesophilic, 2:376
mycelia, 1:230, 1:231, 2:394, 2:406
Saccharomyces cerevisiae,2:501
sensitivity to temperature and pH ranges, 2:404
Sick Building Syndrome, 2:408
See alsoFungal genetics; Fungal infection; Fungicides; Mold;
Fungicides, 1:158–160, 1:232
Funk, Casimir, 2:652
Furious rabies, 2:476–477
Furth, Jacob, 1:229

Galen, 2:644
Gallagher, Robert E., 1:234
Gallo, Robert C., 1:7, 1:233–235,2:401, 2:487, 2:658
Gambierdiscus toxicus,1: 181
Gamma globulins, 1:250
Gamma hemolysis, 1:80
Gamma radiation, 2:479
Ganciclovir, 1:33
Ganders, 2:465
Garrod, Archibald Edward, 1:192, 2:651
Gas gangrene, 1:16
Gas vacuoles and gas vesicles, 1:235
Gasohol, 1:218
Gastritis, chronic, 1:262
Gastroenteritis, 1:236
adenoviruses, 1:3

campylobacteriosis, 1:99–100
Enterobacteriaceae, 1:187–188
rotavirus, 1:236
Sporozoa, 2:526
See alsoMicrobial flora of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract
Gastrointestinal tract. SeeMicrobial flora of the stomach and gastroin-
testinal tract
GBS. SeeGuillain-Barre syndrome
Gel electrophoresis, 1:122, 1:242
Gelactose, 1:6
Gelidium comeum,1:6
Gene, 1:236–238,2:489
Berg, Paul, 1:60–62
oncogene, 1:104, 1:243, 2:415, 2:558
restriction enzymes, 2:485
See alsoGenetic identification of microorganisms; Genotype and
phenotype; Mutations and mutagenesis
Gene amplification
restriction enzymes, 2:485
yeast artificial chromosome (YAC), 2:610–611
Gene chips. SeeDNA chips and microarrays
Gene flow, 1:207
Gene splicing, 1:85
Gene therapy, 1:60–62, 2:510, 2:578–579
Genetic code, 1:162, 1:238–240,1:239,2:550
Berg, Paul, 1:60–62
gene, 1:237–238
genotype and phenotype, 1:245–246
operon, 1:237, 1:354, 2:398, 2:416
proteins, 1:15
restriction enzymes, 2:485
Genetic diseases, 1:121
Genetic diversity, conjugation, 1:133
Genetic drift, 1:207–208
Genetic engineering, 1:75, 1:134
Genetic identification of microorganisms, 1:240–241
bioterrorism, 1:77
gene, 1:237–238
genetic code, 1:239–240
genotype and phenotype, 1:245–246
microbial taxonomy, 2:383–384
restriction enzymes, 2:485
See alsoDNA; Microbial genetics
Genetic mapping, 1:241,1:241–242
gene, 1:237–238
The Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR), 2:544
restriction enzymes, 2:485, 2: 485
Genetic regulation of eukaryotic cells, 1:106–108, 1:242–244
cell cycle, 1:106–108
DNA, 1:161–164
recombinant DNA molecules, 2:480–481
restriction enzymes, 2:485
RNA, 2:488–492
See alsoCell cycle (eukaryotic), genetic regulation of
Genetic regulation of prokaryotic cells, 1:244–245
bacteriophages and bacteriophage typing, 1:55–56
cell cycle, 1:108–109
DNA, 1:161–164
recombinant DNA molecules, 2:480–481
transcription, 2:548–549
translation, 2:551–553
See alsoCell cycle (prokaryotic), genetic regulation of


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