Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


nosocomial infections, 2:411–412
pertussis, 2:429–430
poliomyelitis and polio, 2:445–446
Sabin, Albert, 2:499–501
Salk, Jonas, 2:501–503
sexually transmitted diseases, 2:510–512
sulfa drugs, 2:535
World Health Organization (WHO), 2:603–604
See alsoEpidemics, bacterial; Epidemics, viral; Epidemics and
pandemics; Epidemiology
Hitchings, George Herbert, 1:116, 1:184, 1:185
HIV. SeeHuman immunodeficiency virus
Hives, 1: 311
HLA. SeeHuman leukocyte antigen
Hobby, Gladys Lounsbury, 1:277
Hoffmann, Erich, 2:538
Hog cholera. SeeSwine fever
Holley, Robert, 1:325
Holmes, Francis O., 2:652
Homologous chromosomes, 1:104–105
Homologues, 1:104–105
Homoserine lactone, 2:474
Honey mushroom, 1:35
Hong Kong flu, 1:196–197
Hood, Leroy, 2:465, 2:658
Hooke, Robert, 1:246, 1:277–278,2:388, 2:645
Hopkins, Frederick Gowland, 1:331
Hormones, 1:16
Horne, Robert W., 2:656
Horowitz, Norman H., 1:351
Hospitals, infection control, 1:310
Hot tub folliculitis, 2:516
HPS. SeeHantavirus pulmonary syndrome
HPV. SeeHuman papillomavirus
HSV. SeeHerpes and herpes virus
HTLV. SeeHuman T-cell leukemia virus
Huang, Alice Shih-Hou, 1:56, 1:278–279
Huber, Robert, 2:436
Huggins, Charles, 1:116
Hughes, Arthur, 1:140
Human Genome Organization (HUGO), 2:659
Human Genome Project, 1:164, 2:516, 2:574, 2:575, 2:659, 2:660
Human granulytic ehrlichiosis, 1:82
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), 1:279–280,1:295,1:340–341,
2:487, 2:493, 2:512
antiviral drugs, 1:33
chemotherapy, 1:116
epidemics, 1:197
history of, 1:7, 2:401
mechanism of action, 2:519
seroconversion, 2:508
See alsoAIDS
Human leukocyte antigen (HLA), 1:27, 1:280,1:288, 2:363, 2:554
Human papillomavirus (HPV), 2:516, 2:558, 2:584
Human T-cell leukemia virus (HTLV), 1:233, 1:281, 2:493, 2:519, 2:558,
Humoral immune response. SeeImmunity, humoral regulation
Humoral immunity, 2:361, 2:539
Hungate, Robert, 2:655
Hunter, John, 1:319
Huxley, Thomas Henry, 2:648
Hybridization. SeeDNA hybridization
Hydrogen sulfide, 2:536

Hydrophilic phospholipids, 1:52
Hydrophobic and hydrophilic, 1:281–282,1:351, 2:435
Hydrophobic phospholipids, 1:52
Hydrothermal vents, 1:282,1:282–283,2:437, 2:536
Hygiene, 1:283–284
infection control, 1:310–311
typhoid, 2:558–559
Hyphae, 1:57, 1:230, 1:231, 1:284
HZV. SeeHerpes zoster virus

IEF. SeeIsoelectric focusing
IgA.SeeImmunoglobulins and immunoglobulin deficiency syndromes
IgD.SeeImmunoglobulins and immunoglobulin deficiency syndromes
IgE. SeeImmunoglobulins and immunoglobulin deficiency syndromes
IGF. SeeInsulin-like growth factor
IgG. SeeImmunoglobulins and immunoglobulin deficiency syndromes
IgM. SeeImmunoglobulins and immunoglobulin deficiency syndromes
Illmensee, Karl, 2:658
Immune complex test, 1:285–286
Immune stimulation, as a vaccine, 1:286
antiserum and antitoxin, 1:32
T cells (T lymphocytes), 2:539–540
vaccination, 2:567–568
vaccine, 2:568–572
Immune synapse, 1:286–287
Immune system, 1:287–288
adjuvant, 1:4–5
AIDS, 1:7–9
allergies, 1:10–11
amino acids in, 1:16
anaphylaxis, 1:17
antigenic mimicry, 1:30–31
autoimmunity and autoimmune diseases, 1:38
B cells (B lymphocytes), 1:43
complement, 1:131
histamine, 1:270–271
histocompatibility, 1:271
human leukocyte antigen (HLA), 1:280
immunosuppressant drugs, 1:306–307
interferons, 1:313–314
miscarriage, 2:483
phagocyte and phagocytosis, 2:434–435
stimulation by external source, 1:286
T cells (T lymphocytes), 2:539–540
See alsoAntibody and antigen; Antibody-antigen, biochemical
and molecular reactions; Immunity; Immunochemistry;
Immunodeficiency; Immunologic therapies; Immunology
Immunity, 1:287–291
active, passive, and delayed, 1:288–290, 1: 289
cell mediated, 1:290
cytokines, 1:145
globulins, 1:249–250
humoral regulation, 1:290–291
immunosuppressant drugs, 1:306–307
major histocompatibility complex (MHC), 2:361–363
measles, 2:368–369
T cells (T lymphocytes), 2:539–540
See alsoImmune system; Immunity, active, passive and delayed;
Immunity, cell mediated; Immunity, humoral regulation;
Immunization; Immunochemistry; Immunologic therapies;

General Index

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