Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


history of, 1:271–273
immune system, 1:287–288
immunosuppressant drugs, 1:306–307
interferons, 1:313–314
measles, 2:368–369
nutritional aspects, 1:305
phagocyte and phagocytosis, 2:434–435
radioisotopes, 2:479–480
Schick, Bela, 2:506
transplantation genetics and immunology, 2:553–554
vaccine, 2:568–572
See alsoAntibody and antigen; Antibody-antigen, biochemical
and molecular reactions; Immune system; Immunity;
Immunochemistry; Immunogenetics; Immunologic therapies;
Laboratory techniques in immunology; Reproductive
Immunology, nutritional aspects, 1:305
Immunomodulation, 1:305–306
Immunosuppressant drugs, 1:306–307
Borel, Jean-François, 1:84
thrush, 2:546–547
transplantation genetics and immunology, 2:553–554
In vitroand in vivoresearch, 1:307–308
disposal of infectious microorganisms, 1:161
Indicator species, 1:308,2:616–617
Indirect Coombs’ test, 2:488
Industrial microbiology. SeeEconomic uses and benefits of microorgan-
animal models of infection, 1:18,1:18–19
anti-adhesion, 1:23–24
bacteremia, 1:44
chemotherapy, 1:116–117
complement, 1:131
complications of, 1:312–313
defined, 1:309
germ theory of disease, 1:28, 1:246–247, 1:273
immune system, 1:287–288
intracellular, 1:315
invasiveness, 1:315
microbial flora of the oral cavity, dental caries, 2:379–380
microbial flora of the skin, 2:380
microbial flora of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract,
nosocomial infection, 2:411–412
pertussis, 2:429–430
phagocyte and phagocytosis, 2:434–435
prions, 2:449
skin infections, 2:516–517
sulfa drugs, 2:535
symptoms, 1:312
See alsoBacterial infection; Fungal infection; Infection and
resistance; Infection control; Viral infection
Infection and resistance, 1:308–310,1: 309
invasiveness and intracellular infection, 1:315
See alsoBacterial infection; Fungal infection; Infection control;
Viral infection
Infection control, 1:310–311,1: 311
antiseptics, 1:31–32
chlorination, 1:119–120
hygiene, 1:310–311
microbial flora of the oral cavity, dental caries, 2:379–380

microbial flora of the skin, 2:380
microbial flora of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract,
Pasteur, Louis, 2:424–426
steam pressure sterilizer, 2:530–531
sterilization, 1:31, 1:154, 1:158, 2:530, 2:531–532, 2:546
See alsoEpidemiology; Infection; Infection and resistance
Infection hypothesis, 1:31
Infectious mononucleosis, 1:201, 2:399
Inflammation, 1:311,1: 311
autoimmunity, 1:38
histamine and, 1:16
phagocyte and phagocytosis, 2:434–435
Influenza, 1:311–313,1: 312
epidemics, 1:193–194, 1:196–198, 1:312
Great Flu Epidemic of 1918, 1:193, 1:220–221
history of, 1:193
Influenza virus, 1:262, 1:312, 1:312,2:570
Ingenhousz, Jan, 2:645
Inhalation anthrax, 1:70, 1:76
Inherent resistance, 1:47
Inoculating loop, 1:335
Insecticides, Bacillus thuringiensis,1:43–44, 1: 44
Insertion mutations, 2:405, 2:406
Insertion sequences, 1:200, 2:486
The Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR), 1:49, 2:544
Insulin-like growth factor (IGF), 1:104, 1:106
Interferon actions, 1:313,2:568–572
Interferon-alpha, 1:314
Interferon-gamma, 1:314
Interferon-tau, 1:314
Interferons, 1:313, 1:313–314,2:568–572
Interleukin-2, 1:233, 1:234
Intermediate yellow fever, 2:613
Interphase, 1:103, 1:243
Intracellular infection, 1:315
Introns, 2:457
Invasiveness and intracellular infection, 1:315
immune system, 1:287–288
virus replication, 2:581–582
Iridovirisae, 2:536
Irish potato famine, 1:231
“Iron” bacteria, 1:115, 2:514
Isaacs, Alick, 1:314, 2:656
Isayev, Vasily Isayevich, 2:432
Iso-Sensitest agar, 1:23
Isoelectric focusing (IEF), 1:183
Isotypes and allotypes, 1:315–316
Ivanovsky, Dmitri Iosifovich, 1:316,2:528, 2:650

Jacob, François, 1:87, 1:141, 1:317–319,1:318,2:375, 2:381, 2:398,
2:655, 2:656
Jacobs, William, 2:660
Jannasch, Holger Windekilde, 1:283, 1:319,2:658
Janssen, Hans, 2:644
Janssen, Zacharias, 2:644
Japanese B encephalitis, 2:499
JC papovirus, 2:519
Jeffreys, Alex, 2:658
Jenner, Edward, 1:28, 1:32, 1:196, 1:246, 1:271, 1:272, 1:274, 1:287,
1:292, 1:303, 1:319–321,1:320,2:521, 2:569, 2:584, 2:646

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