Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


Rh and Rh incompatibility, 2:487–488
Rh disease, 2:487
Rh factor, 1:340, 2:487
Rhabdoviruses, 2:580, 2:585
Rhazes, 2:369
Rhesus disease, 1:28
Rheumatic fever, 2:532
Rheumatoid arthritis, mycoplasma and, 2:408
Rhinitis, 1:10
Rhinovirus, 1:128–129
Rhizobium japonicum,2:411
Rhizopoda, 2:459
Rhizopus,2:394, 2:395
Rhizopus nigricans,1:218
Rhoads, Cornelius, 1:116
Rhodococcus equi,1:137
Rhodophyta, 2:460, 2:488
Rhodopseudomonas viridis,2:436
Rhodopsin, 2:437
Rhodospirillum rubrum,1:52, 2:436
Ribonucleic acid. SeeRNA
Ribosomal RNA, 2:491–492, 2:551
Ribosomes, 1:146, 2:491, 2:492
Richet, Charles, 1:287
Richter, Max, 1:339
Rickettsia akari,2:492
Rickettsia and rickettsial pox, 2:492–493,2:560
Rickettsia montana,2:493
Rickettsia parkeri,2:493
Rickettsia prowazekii,2:492, 2:493, 2:560
Rickettsia rickettsii,2:492, 2:493
Rickettsia tsutsugamushi,2:492, 2:493, 2:560
Rickettsia typhi,2:492, 2:493, 2:560
Rift Valley fever, 1:263
Rimantadine, 1:33, 1:116
Rinderpest, 2:648
Ringworm, 2:517
Rivers, THomas, 2:652
RNA, 2:384, 2:486, 2:488–492
acridine orange and, 1:2, 1:3
arenaviruses, 1:34
bacterial kingdoms, 1:51
base pairing, 2: 490
Berg, Paul, 1:60–62
Brenner, Sydney, 1:86–87
Cech, Thomas R., 1:101–102
Central Dogma, 1:163, 2: 396
eukaryotes, 1:204
life, origin of, 1:349–351
Miller-Urey experiment, 2:389–390, 2:403
mitochondrial DNA, 2:393
origin of life, 1:351
plant viruses, 2:441
retroviruses, 2:489
transcription, 2:548–549
translation, 2:551–553
See alsoMolecular biology and molecular genetics; Mutations
and mutagenesis
RNA cancer vaccine, 1:117
RNA polymerases, 1:108, 1:191, 1:244, 2:489, 2:491, 2:548
RNA tumor viruses, 2:493–494
Robbins, Frederick, 1:185, 1:186, 2:500, 2:596, 2:654

Roberts, Richard John, 2:658
Robertson, O.H., 2:494
Rocky Mountain spotted fever, 1:82, 2:471, 2:492, 2:493
Roentgen, Wilhelm Konrad, 2:650
Roseola, 1:267
Rotavirus, 1:236
Rotavirus gastroenteritis, 1:236
Rotifers, 2:616
Rough endoplasmic reticulum (rER), 2:489
Roundworms, 2:423
Rous, Peyton, 2:493, 2:494–495,2:651
Rous sarcoma virus (RSV), 2:493, 2:494, 2:558, 2:585
Roux, Pierre-Paul-Émile, 1:59, 1:272, 1:287, 1:353, 2:495–496
Roux, Wilhelm, 2:649, 2:650
RSV. SeeRespiratory syncytial virus; Rous sarcoma virus
Rubella virus, 2:519
Rubeola, 2:368
Rüdin, Ernst, 1:256
Ruska, Ernst, 1:179–180, 2:496–497,2:651
Ruska, Helmuth, 2:653
Rusts, 1:57
Ryan, Francis, 1:341

S layers, 1:53
See alsoSheathed bacteria
Sabia-associated hemorrhagic fever, 1:263
Sabin, Albert, 1:185, 2:499–501
Sac fungi, 1:232
Saccharomyces carlsbergensis,2:609
Saccharomyces cerevisiae,1:230, 2:395, 2:501,2:600
Saccharomyces pombe,2:611
Sagan, Carl, 2:364
Sager, Ruth, 2:655, 2:656
Salk, Jonas, 1:185, 1:340, 2:401, 2:500, 2:501–503,2:655
Salmon, Daniel, 1:287
food poisoning, 1:222–225, 2:504–505, 2:558, 2:576
infections of, 1:188
invasiveness of, 1:315
vaccine, 2:504, 2:505
See alsoMicrobial flora of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract
Salmonella enteritidis,2:503, 2:505
Salmonellafood poisoning, 1:222–225, 2:504–505,2:558
Salmonella gallinarum,2:576
Salmonella typhi,2:558
Salmonella typhimurium,sensitivity to temperature and pH ranges, 2:404
Salt-loving bacteria, 1:211
Salting, for food preservation, 1:223–224
Salvarsan, 1:218, 2:511
Sambrook, Joseph, 2:657
Sanford, Katherine K., 2:652
Sanger, Frederick, 1:30, 1:55, 2:391, 2:656, 2:658
Santorio, Santorio, 2:644
Sargassum fluitans,2:421
Sargassum natans,2:421
Sarin gas, bioterrorism, 1:75
Sawyer, Wilbur A., 2:545
Saxitoxin, 1:157, 2:482
Scanning confocal microscope, 2:473
Scanning electron microscope (SEM), 1:180, 2:388
Scanning tunneling microscope (STM), 2:388

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