Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


SOPs. SeeStandard operating procedures
Southern blotting, 2:415
Space science. SeeExtraterrestrial microbiology
Spallanzani, Lazzaro, 2:645
Spanish flu, 1:221
Spectrophotometer, 2:523–524
Spectroscopy, 2:524–525
Spencer, Herbert, 2:507
Sphaerotilus natans,2:514
Spheroplasts, 2:462
Spinae, 1:48
Spinal polio, 2:446
Spirochetes, 1:48, 1:52, 2:384, 2:385, 2:525–526
Spirogyra, 1:119, 2:461
Spontaneous abortion, 2:483
Spores, 1:57
Sporocarp, 2:518
Sporogony, 2:526
Sporozoa, 2:459, 2:526
Sporulation, 2:527
Spotted fevers, 2:493
Spray drying, 1:223
SRBs. SeeSulfate reducing bacteria
St. Louis encephalitis virus, 2:597
Stabilizing selection, 2:506
Stahl, Frank W., 2:656
Stahl, Franklin, 2:375
Standard operating procedures (SOPs), 1:260
Stanier, R.Y., 2:458
Stanley, Wendall Meredith, 2:441, 2:527–529,2:653, 2:654
Staphylococci and staphylococci infections, 2:529–530,2: 530
antibiotic resistance, 2:412
blood agar and hemolytic reactions, 1:80
toxic shock syndrome, 2:529, 2:547–548
Staphylococcus aureus
coagulase, 1:125
enterotoxin, 1:189
hospital acquired infection, 2:386–387
toxic shock syndrome, 2:529, 2:534, 2:547–548
Staphylococcus epidermidis
acne and, 1:2
coagulase, 1:125
Staphylococcus pyogenes,2:425
Start codon, 2:491
STDs. SeeSexually transmitted diseases
Steam heat sterilization, 2:532
Steam pressure sterilizer, 2:530–531
Stein, William H., 2:657
Steinbach, H. Burr, 1:341
Sterilization, 1:31, 2:531–532
bacteriocidal, bacteriostatic, 1:54–55
cold pasteurization, 2:427
contamination, 1:134
before culturing, 1:144
desiccation, 1:154
disinfection different from, 1:158
disposal of infectious microorganisms, 1:160–161
pasteurization, 1:54, 1:246, 1:272, 2:426–427,2:532, 2:569
prions, 1:90

Pyrex, 2:468–469
steam pressure sterilizer, 2:530–531
thermal death, 2:546
Stern, Curt, 2:653
Sternberg, George M., 2:650
STH. SeeSomatotrophic hormone
STI-571, 2:416
Stinkhorns, 1:232
STM. SeeScanning tunneling microscope
Stomach. SeeGastroenteritis; Microbial flora of stomach and gastroin-
testinal tract
Stomach ulcers, 1:11, 1:262, 2:366, 2:381
Stop codon, 2:491, 2:552
Strasburger, Eduard Adolf, 2:649, 2:650
Streak plate technique, 1:335
Strep throat, 2:532–533
Streptococcal antibody tests, 2:533
Streptococcal sore throat, 2:532
Streptococci and streptococcal infections, 2:533–535,2: 534
antibiotics, 2:533, 2:535
blood agar and hemolytic reactions, 1:80
division, 1: 50
strep throat, 2:532–533
streptococcal antibody tests, 2:533
Streptococcus mutans,1:250
Streptococcus pneumoniae,1:48, 1:195
Streptococcus pyogenes,1:16, 1:189, 2:425, 2: 534
Streptococcus thermophilus,1:337
Streptomyces aureofaciens,1:116
Streptomycin, 1:116, 2:588
Streptozyme assay, 2:533
Stress proteins, 1:113
Stroma, 1:120
Strominger, Jack L., 2:655
Sturtevant, Alfred Henry, 1:161, 2:652
Sublimation, 1:223
Sugar, for food preservation, 1:223–224
Sulfa drugs, 1:116, 1:220, 2:535
Sulfadiazine, 2:535
Sulfaguanadine, 2:535
Sulfanilamides, 2:535
Sulfate reducing bacteria (SRBs), 2:432
Sulfathizole, 2:535
Sulfolobus acidocaldarius,1:211
Sulfonamides, 1:116, 1:220
Sulfur bacteria, 1:115
Sulfur cycle in microorganisms, 1:282–283, 2:536
Sumner, James B., 1:66, 1:192, 2:654
Superantigen toxin, 1:189, 2:547
Suspended film, 2:590
Sutton, Walter S., 2:651
Swammerdam, Jan, 2:644, 2:645
Sweller, Thomas Huckle, 2:500
Swift, Homer, 1:337
Swine fever, 2:536–537
Sylvatic yellow fever, 2:613
Symbiosis. SeeMicrobial symbiosis
Syme, James, 1:352
Symport, 2:451
Synapomorphies, 2:438
Synchronous growth, 2:537
Syntrophomonassp., 1:101

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