Fitness and Health: A Practical Guide to Nutrition, Exercise and Avoiding Disease

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too, but subjective. A very objective measure of progress is accom-
plished using the maximum aerobic function test, or MAF Test.
The MAF Test measures the improvements you make in the aero-
bic system. Without objective measurements, you can fool yourself
into thinking all is well with your exercise. More importantly, the
MAF Test tells you if you’re headed in the wrong direction, either
from too much anaerobic exercise, too little aerobic exercise or any
imbalance that is having an adverse effect on the aerobic system (for
example, from stress or poor diet).
The MAF Test can be performed using any exercise except
weight-lifting. During the test use your maximum aerobic heart rate
found with the 180 Formula. While working out at that heart rate,
determine some parameter such as your walking, jogging or running
pace (in minutes per mile), cycling speed (miles per hour) or repeti-
tions (laps in a pool) over time. The test can also be done on station-
ary equipment such as a treadmill or other apparatus that measures
output. If you want to test your maximum aerobic function during
walking, for example, go to the high school track and walk at your
maximum aerobic heart rate. Determine how long it takes to walk one
mile at this heart rate. Record your time in a diary or on your calen-
dar. If you normally walk two or three miles, you can record each
Below is an actual example of an MAF Test performed by walk-
ing on a track, at a heart rate of 145, calculating time in minutes per

Mile 1:16:32 (16 minutes and 32 seconds)
Mile 2:16:46
Mile 3:17:09

During any one MAF Test, your times should always get slower
with successive repetitions. In other words, the first mile should
always be the fastest, and the last the slowest. If that’s not the case, it
usually means you haven’t warmed up enough, as discussed later.
The MAF Test should indicate faster times as the weeks pass. This
means the aerobic system is improving and you’re burning more fat,

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