Fitness and Health: A Practical Guide to Nutrition, Exercise and Avoiding Disease

(lily) #1

Simply draw a line through those stresses that you can’t control.
If there’s nothing you can do about them anyway, don’t worry about
them for now. Many people expend lots of energy on stresses they
can’t or won’t do anything about. This may include job stress or the
weather, though in reality, almost any stress can be modified or elim-
inated — it’s just a question of how far you’re willing to go for opti-
mal health. As time goes on, you may want to reconsider some of the
items you’ve crossed off. You’ll realize that changing jobs is a must,
or moving to a more compatible climate is necessary for your health.
Once you can “see” your stress listed on paper, it will be easier to
manage. Start with your starred stresses first, because you have con-
trol over them — not that it’s always easy. Circle the three biggest
stresses from the starred list and begin to work on them. You may be
able to improve on some and totally eliminate others. Some will
require habit changes. It’s a big task, but one that will return great
benefits. When you’ve succeeded in eliminating or modifying each
one, cross it off your list and circle the three next most stressful ones,
so you always have three to work on.
In addition to your stress list, you’re probably familiar with other
strategies for dealing with stress, though you may not use them.
Here’s a reminder:

  • Learn to say “no” when asked to do something you real-
    ly don’t want to do. Ask yourself if you really want to do

  • Decide not to waste your time worrying about the past or
    the future. That’s not to say you should ignore the past or
    not plan for the future. Live in the present.

  • Learn some relaxation techniques, and perform them
    regularly. The most powerful one is respiratory biofeed-
    back described previously. An easy walk by yourself can
    also be a great way to relax.

  • When you’re concerned about something, talk it over
    with someone you trust.

  • Simplify your life. Start by eliminating trivia. Ask your-
    self: “Is this really important?”

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