Fitness and Health: A Practical Guide to Nutrition, Exercise and Avoiding Disease

(lily) #1
Case History
Sally was in her early 40s and had a variety of hormone-relat-
ed symptoms, including hot flashes, insomnia and body-fat
increase, all beginning over the previous two years. Her doctor
wanted her to start taking synthetic hormones, but she was
uneasy since her family history included breast cancer. My first
choice was to try to get Sally’s adrenal function improved, as
tests showed her cortisol and DHEA levels to be far from nor-
mal. After several months of making lifestyle changes, Sally’s
symptoms improved by about 50 percent. At this time, I recom-
mended she begin using a natural progesterone cream, once
per day after showering. Within three months, Sally began feel-
ing better, and within six months, felt more like she did when
she was 30.

Stress-induced adrenal dysfunction is one of the major problems
associated with a wide range of fitness and health problems.
Improving adrenal function can quickly resolve many common signs
and symptoms that reduce quality of life.


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