Fitness and Health: A Practical Guide to Nutrition, Exercise and Avoiding Disease

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replace what you’re not making may be the next best option. It’s
important to ask your health-care professional about these alterna-
tives as many are by prescription. For more information, contact the
Women’s International Pharmacy (800-279-5708, http://www.womensinter-, Hopewell Pharmacy (800-792-6670, http://www.hopewell- or other reliable sources.
Some non-prescription products are also available. Pro-Gest, for
example, is a natural progesterone cream that can be absorbed
through the skin rather than taken by mouth (your liver breaks down
much of the natural hormone taken orally). For those who require
both natural estrogen and progesterone, a product called OstaDerm
cream is also a non-prescription preparation of both natural
For menopause, premenstrual syndrome, or other hormone-relat-
ed imbalances, the use of natural hormones can improve your quali-
ty of life. What’s most important is to understand that no one has to
live with the pain, displeasure and discomfort that too many doctors
have told patients are normal with aging.


Plants to the Rescue
Another potential natural hormone therapy is to use natural
plants. These are sometimes effective in people with relatively
minor hormone imbalance. Many plants contain natural hor-
mones, and a variety of products are made from them in con-
centrated forms. These include wild yams, soy products and
licorice root. However, there are two possible problems with
these products, which have become very popular. Their levels
of hormones are generally very low; and some unscrupulous
companies make products with hardly any or no measurable
hormones. In the case of soy, there could be unwanted side
effects. And in the case of licorice, it could raise your cortisol
levels — a problem that may already exist and be the cause of
hormone imbalance.
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