Fitness and Health: A Practical Guide to Nutrition, Exercise and Avoiding Disease

(lily) #1
You must first get over the idea that the less fat the better, or a diet
that’s 10 percent or 20 percent fat is ideal. Actually, a low-fat diet can
be very unhealthy. For example, studies show that people following
a very low-fat diet can increase their risks for heart disease. This is
due to the fact that their intake of essential fatty acids could be too
low. There are many populations in which fat intake exceeds 40 per-
cent, like the Eskimos and people living in the Mediterranean region,
who on average are healthier than people who eat a lower-fat diet. In
addition, the American Heart Association, the World Health
Organization (WHO), the Surgeon General, the USDA and many pro-
fessional health organizations have recommended a diet that’s 30 per-
cent fat.
I have found that most people are healthier with at least this
much fat in the diet. Some may need more — 35 or even 40 percent.
But rather than follow these numbers, experiment and find what
works best for you. In general, once you’ve found your optimal level
of carbohydrates, and balanced your fats, the amount of protein you
need to eat is fairly easy to determine; this is the subject of the next


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