Fitness and Health: A Practical Guide to Nutrition, Exercise and Avoiding Disease

(lily) #1
! Over age 50.
! Blood tests show increased triglycerides or cholesterol.

! Carbohydrate intolerance.
! Seasonal allergies.
! Intestinal problems such as diarrhea, constipation, ulcers.
If you checked one or more of these items there’s a chance that
you have a fat imbalance. The more items you check off, the more
likely you have a problem.
Most people find they are too high in A and B fat and low in C
fats because omega-6 fat and dairy foods are so prevalent in most
diets. This can be remedied by balancing dietary fats — eating less A
and more C fats. The greatest problem for many people is consuming
enough C fats, especially EPA. Most foods high in C fats such as
almonds, walnuts, pecans, flaxseeds and green vegetables, don’t con-
tain EPAand their conversion to EPAis very limited in humans, so we
must rely on fish. Wild ocean fish — including salmon, sardines, tuna,
anchovies and mackerel — are high in EPA. Unfortunately, the
world’s oceans continue to be seriously polluted, especially with mer-
cury, and fish intake should be limited, especially by children and
pregnant women. Farmed fish should be avoided — they are a poor
source of EPAand have other problems discussed in a later chapter.
One remedy that can significantly help balance fats is fish-oil sup-
plements. These contain high amounts of EPA, and in combination
with reducing vegetable oils can make fat balance a reality. EPA also
helps prevent some of the Afats from converting to B fats. In addi-
tion, raw sesame-seed oil helps prevent this process too. Be sure to
buy small amounts of only raw sesame oil, don’t cook it, and keep it
refrigerated because it’s a relatively unstable polyunsaturated oil.

How Much Fat Should We Eat?
Equipped with the knowledge of how important balanced fats are for
the body, you are in a position to improve your diet in accordance
with your body’s particular needs. How much fat should you have in
a healthy diet? The amount of fat in a healthy diet depends on the

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