Children of God - The Book

(beautifullives) #1


So if we were all born or created as God’s sons, what went wrong for those who
are no longer serving their God and King?

Matthew 6:31-33 lays the foundation for the core of our discussion.

So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we
wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you
need them.
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things
will be given to you as well.’

Earlier in verses 25-26, Jesus tells us not to worry about life’s needs because God
feeds the birds of the air and the flowers of the field, and we are ‘much more
valuable than they’.
By implication, because of our worth to Him, He cares for us
much more than anything else in His creation.

Having been born into God’s Kingdom, as His offspring, God has intentions and
purpose for each of us. When children are born in royalty, they are raised as
royalty and taught to carry themselves as royalty from the beginning. The
expectation and intention of the kingdom in which they are born is that they will
serve the kingdom, and perpetuate the monarchy.

Children of a monarchy are born into privilege. They are surrounded by untold
wealth and limitless resources. As a matter of fact, the rest of the country /
kingdom contribute vast public resources to their upkeep, because they are royalty
and born to serve and reign. This is their full time job. They are not introduced
into it, they are born into it. Except maybe for some of their spouses who may have
been born outside the monarchy, in which case they are now engrafted into it
through the union of marriage. We have already discussed the oneness of Adam
and Eve, which is the same for every marriage.

Monarchies have immense wealth with many opportunities to build on it, creating
for them even more wealth, and so this is a privileged lot in ways the rest of the
ordinary citizens can only dream of.

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