An Indigenous Peoples History of the United States Ortiz

(darsice) #1

  1. Quoted in Grenier, First Way of War, 144.

  2. Ibid., 4r.

  3. Ibid., 14 1- 43.

Notes 251

  1. From The Colonial and State Records of North Carolina 5 (Chapel Hill:
    University of North Carolina), quoted in Nabokov, Native American Testi­
    mony, 41 -42.

  2. Calloway, Scratch of a Pen, 16 8-69.

  3. Grenier, First Way of War, 148.

  4. For an in-depth study of Hollywood "cowboy and Indian" movies, see
    Slotkin, Gunfighter Nation.
    4r. Dunmore quoted in Grenier, First Way of War, 150.

  5. Jennings, "The Indians' Revolution," 337 -38.
    4 3. For the integral role of spiritual leaders in Indigenous resistance, see Dowd,
    Spirited Resistance.

  6. Grenier, First Way of War, 153-54.

  7. Richter, Facing East from Indian Country, 223.

  8. Grenier, First Way of War, 16r.

  9. Richter, Facing East from Indian Country, 222 -23.

  10. Grenier, First Way of War, 152.

  11. Calloway, American Revolution in Indian Country, 197-98.

  12. Ibid., 197.
    5r. Grenier, First Way of War, sr-53.

  13. Ibid., 17 -18.

  14. Ibid., 59-63.

  15. Washington and Sullivan quoted in Drinnon, Facing West, 33r.

  16. Grenier, First Way of War, 16 3, 166 -68.


Epigraph: King, Why We Can't Wait, 41 -42. Orig. published Harper and Row,
r. Richter, Facing East From Indian Country, 223 -24.

  1. See Bogus, "Hidden History of the Second Amendment"; and Hadden,
    Slave Patrols.

  2. Grenier, First Way of War, 17 0-72.

  3. Anderson and Cayton, Dominion of War, 104-59.

  4. Grenier, First Way of War, 193-95.

  5. Ibid., 19 5-97.

  6. Ibid., 19 8-200.

  7. Calloway, Shawnees and the War for America, 102 -3.

  8. Grenier, First Way of War, 201-2; Richter, Facing East from Indian Coun­
    try, 22 4-25.
    ro. Calloway, Shawnees and the War for America, 137. See also Edmunds,

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