An Indigenous Peoples History of the United States Ortiz

(darsice) #1
Notes 261

  1. Sharon H. Venne, "What Is the Meaning of Sovereignty," Indigenous
    Women's Network, June 18, 2007 , (accessed
    November II, 2013).

  2. Sanchez, Treaty Council News, 12.

  3. See Dunbar-Ortiz, Indians of the Americas; Dunbar-Ortiz, Roots of Re­
    sistance, chapter 7, "Land, Indigenousness, Identity, and Self-Determina­

  4. Killsback, "Indigenous Perceptions of Time," 150-51.

  5. UN Commission on Human Rights, Sub-commission on Prevention of Dis­
    crimination and Protection of Minorities, 51st sess., Human Rights of In­
    digenous Peoples: Study on Treaties, Agreements and Other Constructive
    Arrangements between States and Indigenous Populations: Final Report,
    by Miguel Alfonso Martinez, special rapporteur, June 22, 1999, UN Docu­
    ment E/CN.4/Sub.2'1999/20. See also Report of the Working Group on
    Indigenous Populations on Its Seventeenth Session, 26 -3 0 July 1999, UN
    Document E/CN.4/Sub. 2'1999/20, August 12, 1999.

  6. Rob Capriccioso, "Cobell Concludes with the Rich Getting Richer," In­
    dian Country Today, June 27, 2on, http://indiancountrytodaymedianet­ (accessed October 3, 2013). See also "Indian Trust Settlement"
    (the Cobell v. Salazar settlement website),
    (accessed October 3, 2013); and Jodi Rave, "Milestone in Cobell Indian
    Trust Case," High Country News, July 25, 201 1,
    issues/ 43 .12/milestone-in-cobell-indian-trust-case (accessed October 3,

  7. Wilkinson, "Afterword," 468-69.

  8. For the history of the establishment of Mount Rushmore as a national
    monument in the illegally taken Black Hills, see Larner, Mount Rushmore;
    and Taliaferro, Great White Fathers. For a history of the American Indian
    Movement, see Smith and Warrior, Like a Hurricane; and Wittstock and
    Bancroft, We Are Still Here. See also AIM-WEST, (ac­
    cessed October 3, 2013). On the International Indian Treaty Council, see
    Dunbar-Ortiz, Indians of the Americas; Dunbar-Ortiz, Blood on the Bor­
    der; and the IITC website, (accessed Octo­
    ber 3, 2013).

  9. "For Great Sioux Nation, Black Hills Can't Be Bought for $1.3 Billion,"
    PBS NewsHour, August 24, 2on, video and transcript at http://www
    . pbs .org/newshour/bb/socialissues/july-dec11 /black hills 08-24 .html (ac­
    cessed October 3, 2013).

  10. See Dunbar-Ortiz, Economic Development in American Indian Reserva­

  11. See Harvard Project on American Indian Economic Development, State of
    the Native Nations.

  12. See Light and Rand, Indian Gaming and Tribal Sovereignty.

  13. Hedges, Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt, 1-58.

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