An Indigenous Peoples History of the United States Ortiz

(darsice) #1

  1. Ibid., IO.

  2. Ibid., 7-8.

  3. Hoxie, Encyclopedia of North American Indians, 3I9.
    IO. Byrd, Transit of Empire, 226 -28.
    IL Agamben, Homo Sacer.
    I2. Byrd, Transit of Empire, 226 -27.

Notes 263

I3. The Modoc Indian Prisoners, I4 Op. Att'y Gen. 252 (I873), quoted in john
C. Yoo, Memorandum for William]. Haynes II, General Counsel of the
Department of Defense, March I4, 2003 , p. 7. Quoted in Byrd, Transit of
Empire, 227.
I4. Byrd, Transit of Empire, 227.

  1. Vine, Island of Shame, 2.
    I6. Kissinger quoted in ibid., 15.
    I7. Ibid., I5-I6.
    I8. LaDuke, Militarization of Indian Country, xvi.
    I9. Interview with Cynthia Enloe, "Militarization, Feminism, and the Inter­
    national Politics of Banana Boats," Theory Talk, no. 48, May 22, 20I2,'20I2/05/theory-talk-48.html (accessed Octo­
    ber 4, 2013). See also Enloe, Bananas, Beaches and Bases.

  2. Grenier, First Way of War, 222.
    2r. Price, Weaponizing Anthropology, I, IL

  3. Stone and Kuznick, Untold History of the United States, xii; The Untold
    History of the United States, TV series, Showtime, 20I2. An interesting
    aside to the question of lack of national health care is that only two sectors
    of US society actually have national health care, with no private insurer
    participating: war veterans and Native Americans.
    2 3. Byrd, Transit of Empire, xii-xiv.

  4. Ibid., I23; Cook-Lynn, New Indians, Old Wars, 204.

  5. Razack, Dark Threats and White Knights, IO.

  6. For understanding the limitations of these initiatives regarding Indigenous
    self-determination, see Forbes, Native Americans and Nixon.

  7. Hardt and Negri, Commonwealth; the first two volumes in their trilogy
    are Empire (2000) and Multitude (2005). Other writers calling for a "com­
    mons" include, most notably, Linebaugh, Magna Carta Manifesto, and
    theorists associated with the Midnight Notes Collective and the Retort

  8. Sharma and Wright, "Decolonizing Resistance, Challenging Colonial

  9. Lorraine Le Camp, unpublished paper, I998, quoted in Bonita Lawrence
    and Enaskshi Dua, Social Justice 32, no. 4 (2005): I32.

  10. Cook-Lynn, Why I Can't Read Wallace Stegner and Other Essays, 88.
    3 I. Byrd, Transit of Empire, 20 5.

  11. Johansen, Debating Democracy, 275.

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