An Indigenous Peoples History of the United States Ortiz

(darsice) #1

First Seminole War (18J7-19), 102
fishing rights, 18 1-8 2
Fitzpatrick, Thomas, 187
"Five Civilized Tribes," 98, 101,
134 -3 5
Fixico, Donald, 158 -59
Florida: Geronimo in, 15 0; Muskogee
Nation and, 90, 108; Seminole
Nation in, 10 1-2, 194; Spanish, 43,
66, 90
food supplies: of Miamis, 80-81; of
Plains peoples, 220; of Seminoles,
10 2; of Senecas, 77; in total war,
58, 144 -4 5
forced marches, 112 -14, 13 8-3 9
forests, 28, 45- 47
Forsyth, James, 15 5
Franciscan missionaries, 12 5, 12 6,
12 7-2 8
Fraser, James Earle, 9, 161
freedom and empire, 10 5-6, 124
"freesoilers," 134 -36, 140 -4 6
Fremont, John C., 123
French and Indian War (17 54 -63),
53,67-7 1
"frontier thesis," 179
funds, investment of Indigenous, 168
fur trade, 18 6-8 8

game management, 15 -1,6, 28
Garifuna people, 2 3
Gatling gun, 13 9-40
General Allotment Act (1887), II,
157 -61, 189
genocide: of Cherokee Nation, 87 -90;
during Civil War, 136 -40; in
colonial period, 57 -60; vs. disease,
39 -42; Andrew Jackson and, 94,
97 -102, 10 9-14; migratory, 149;
of Muskogees, 90-92; in Ohio
Country, 81 -83; policies of, 9-10;
and race to innocence, 22 8-3 1; and
settler colonialism, 2, 6, 8-10; and


Tecumseh, 84 -87; after war for
Georgia (state), 88, 90-92, 110
Georgia colony, 65-66
germ warfare, 68
Geronimo (Goyathlay), 15 0-51, 165,
221; as code name for Osama bin
Laden, 56
Ghost Dance, 153 -154, 156
Gilbert, Humphrey, 38 , 39
gold fever,^42 -44,^12 9,^130 , 145,
Goldstein, Alyosha, 262n23
Gomez-Quinones, Juan, 235
GOON squad (Guardians of the
Oglala Nation), 18 6, 25on22
Gorman, Howard, 172
governance, Indigenous, 2 5-2 7,
21 5-1 7
Goyathlay (Geronimo), 15 0-51, 16 5,
Gran Colombia, 119
Grant, Ulysses S., 14 4, 145, 14 6, 151
grasses, destruction of natural, 144
Great Depression, 17 1- 72
Great Law of Peace, 26, 246n 14
Great Plains: buffalo slaughter on,
143; destruction of natural grasses
of, 144; Indian Wars in, 9; military
outposts on, 221; in precolonial
America, 28, 29; Sioux Nation on,
16 6, 187
Great Railroad Strike (1877), 166
Great Upheaval, 67
"Great White Fleet," 163
Green Corn Dance, 3 1
Green Corn Rebellion, 16 6-67
Grenier, John: on cultural aspects
of militarization, 227; on Haude­
nosaunee, 77; on irregular and
unlimited warfare, 56 , 57-61, 196,
219; on Andrew Jackson, 10 0; on
ranging, 63-64, 65, 220; on settler-
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