An Indigenous Peoples History of the United States Ortiz

(darsice) #1

284 Index

"Indian Country," 57; siege of
Wounded Knee and, 186 , 191; of
South and Central America, 17;
in twentieth century, 202; world­
wide, 7
Deganawidah-Quetzalcoatl (D-Q )
University, 184
Delaware Nation, 72 -74
Deloria, Ella, 1 5 3
Deloria, Philip, 156 , 15 7
Deloria, Vine, Jr., 152 , 184, 211
democracy: and genocide, 108; impe-
rialist, 108; Indigenous concept
of, 5; Jacksonian, 10 7- 1 o, 1 17,
253n26; multicultural and multi­
racial, 218, 229; and origin narra­
tive, 12 ; populist, 10 7; settler, 10 3
Dempsey, Martin, 222
Denevan, William M., 40-41, 46
depopulation, 39 -4 2
deportation: in French and Indian
War, 67; of indigenous peoples,
22 5-26; in "Operation Wetback,"
17 6; from Southeast, 113 -14
descendants, innocence of, 229
desert land claim, 141
Dewey, George, 164
Dimock, Wai-chee, 10 5-6
Dine Nation. See Navajo (Dine)
disease, 39 -4 2
Dobyns, Henry, 41
Doctrine of Discovery, 197 -217; and
Daniel Boone, 10 6; and colonial­
ism, 199 -201; Columbus and,
3-4, 42; contradictions in, 20 1-2;
and economic self-determination,
208-10; and Indigenous gover­
nance, 21 5-17; and land claims,
205-8; and narrative of dys­
function, 21 1-14; and self­
determination, 202 -5
Downing, Lewis, 168 -69

D-Q (Deganawidah-Quetzalcoatl)
University, 184
Dragging Canoe, 89
Drayton, William Henry, 7 5
Dull Knife, 149
Dunmore's War (1774), 71 -7 2
Dustin, Hannah, 64-6 5
dysfunction, narrative of, 21 1-14

Echo-Hawk, Walter R., 11 -1 2
economic self-determination, 208 -10
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 17 4, 176
Emancipation Proclam�tion (1 863 ),
136 , 146
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 130 , 131
The End of the Trail (sculpture), 9,
energy resources, 10 , 209-10
England. See Britain
Enloe, Cynthia, 226 -2 7
epidemic diseases, 39 -4 2
ethnic cleansing: by buffalo soldiers,
148; and democracy, 10 6; in
Georgia, 66; militarization and,
227; Muskogee War as, 10 0; in
nineteenth century, 9 3; as term for
genocide, 9; in Texas, 12 7; of West,
136 , 149
exceptionalism, 47, 50, 10 4-5, 248n7

Fairchild assembly plant, 209
Fallen Timbers, 83, 86
farmer-settlers, 70-7 1
farming. See agriculture
federal Indian trusts, 161, 206
"Fetterman Massacre" (1 86 6), 145
Filson, John, 106 -7
fire, precolonial use of, 2 7-2 8
firearms ownership, 22 7-2 8
"First Americans," 13
"First Barbary War" ( 18 01 -5 ), 119
First Indian Brigade, 13 5
"firsting and lasting," 9
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