An Indigenous Peoples History of the United States Ortiz

(darsice) #1

286 Index

farmers, 71; on war of indepen­
dence, 76
Guale (Spanish Florida), 66, 90
Guantanamo Bay detention center,
20 1,222, 224
Guardians of the Oglala Nation
(GOON squad), 186 , 25on22
gun ownership, 22 7-2 8
Guthrie, Woody, 2-3, 55

habitat management, 28, 45 -47
Harjo, Chitto (Crazy Snake), 158 -59
Harrison, William Henry, 85 -86, 87
Haudenosaunee, 24, 26, 76 -77
Hawai'i, US military control of, 163
Hawkins, Benjamin, 98
health care, national, 263n22
Hickory Ground, 15 8
Hidalgo, Miguel, 120
Hohokam people, 22
Holder, Stan, 148
"home rule," 190
Homestead Act (1862), 140, 141
homo sacer, 224
Hopi Nation, 15 9-60
Horseshoe Bend, 99-1 00
Hotchkiss guns, 15 5
Houston, Sam, 12 7
Huguenots, 49
Huhugam people, 22
human remains, repatriation of, 206,
23 1-3 3

HTC (International Indian Treaty
Council), 203-4, 26on21
Illinois Territory, 85, 87
immigrants, 13, 50-51, 148, 229
imperialism: exceptionalism and,
10 4-5; "Indian Wars" as template
for, 192 -95, 218, 219 -22, 229; of
Andrew Jackson, 10 7- 10 , 114-15,
253n26; populist, 10 6, 108; US
overseas, 118 -21, 162 -67

"In Country," 57 , 193
Indian Appropriation Act (1871), 142
Indiana Territory, 87
Indian Citizenship Act (1924), 16 9,
Indian Claims Commission, 173
Indian Claims Court, 173
"Indian Country," 13 3-61; and
annihilation unto total surrender,
14 9-53; army of the West in,
136 -40; colonial policy in, 140 -46;
colonial soldiers in, 146 -49; and
Ghost Dance, 153 -57; and greed,
157 -61; legal use of term, 57,
248-49n2; and Lincoln's "free soil"
for settlers, 134 -36; military use of
term, 56 -57, 10 6, 132 , 148, 193,
Indian Gaming Regulatory Act
(1988), 210
Indian Relocation Act (1956), 174
Indian Removal Act (1 830 ), 110
Indian removal policy, 10 9-14
Indian Reorganization Act (1934),
15 9, 171 -73, 185, 190 , 215
Indian Self-Determination Act (1975),
Indians of All Tribes, 18 3-84
Indian Territory (Oklahoma), 3;
allotment in, 158 -61; "Five
Civilized Tribes" in, 134 -35;
Indian Removal Act and, 11 0-14;
Indigenous alliances in, 8 5-87; in
Louisiana Purchase, 95; Unassigned
Lands in, 15 8
"Indian Wars," 71 -74; as template
for imperialism, 19 2-9 5, 218,
219 -22, 229
Indigenous communities and nations,
federally recognized, 10-1 1
Indigenous Peoples of the Americas
conference, 197 -9 8
"Indigenous Quotient," 2 3 5
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