An Indigenous Peoples History of the United States Ortiz

(darsice) #1

290 Index

rejection of Indian Reorganization
Act by, 171-72
Nazi Germany, 204-5
NCAI (National Congress of Ameri-
can Indians), 57, 175, 18 4, 193
Neal, Richard, 57, 193
neocolonialism, 7, 190
New Deal, 17 0-7 2
New England colony, 62 -64
"new frontier," 178 -80
New Mexico: land-grant settlements
in, 258 -59n5; Spanish settler­
colonists in, 12 5; statehood of, 124
New Spain, 43
"New World," 42
Nimi'ipuu (Chief Joseph, Nez Perce),
14 9-50, 165
Nixon, Richard M., 17 9-80, 18 4,

NIYC.^185 (National Indian Youth Coun­
cil), 181, 182 , 185, 210
Northwest Ordinance (1787), 3, 124

Obama, Barack: on colonial power,
115 -16; and Violence Against
Women Act, 214
Office oflndian Affairs, 10 2-3, 151,
Oglethorpe, James, 66
Ohio Country: and Northwest
Ordinance, 3; Tecumseh in, 84-87;
transfer from Britain of, 78; during
war for independence, 71 -74; after
war of independence, 81 -8 3
Ojibwe Nation, 24, 216 -1 7
Oklahoma: Green Corn Rebellion in,
16 6-67; statehood of, 15 9. See also
Indian Territory (Oklahoma)
"Oklahoma Run," 158
Old Lady Horse, 143
Olmec civilization, 19
Oneida Nation, 77
"Operation Wetback," 176

origin myths/narratives, 2, 3-4,
12 - 13,47-51, 102 -7
Ortiz, SimonJ., 133, 137 , 236
Osage Nation, 215 -16
overgrazing, 17 1-72

Pacific Railroad Act (1862), 140
Paha Sapa. See Black Hills (Paha
Sa pa)
pan-Indigenous movement, 10 ,
84 -8 5
patriotism: Alamo and, 12 7; after
Civil War, 14 0; and covenant, 50,
51; under Andrew Jackson, 102 -7,
108, 115 ; origin story and, 47
Patton, George, 16 7, 194
Pequot War (16 37 ), 62-63, 64
Percy, George, 60
Pershing, John J., 167
Persian Gulf War, 57 , 193-94
Philippines, US occupation of, 16 4,
165 -66
Pike, Zebulon M., 12 0-22, 123
Pilgrims, 49
Pine Ridge Sioux Reservation: Guard­
ians of the Oglala Nation at, 18 6,
25on22; home rule in, 190 ; poverty
and social dysfunction in, 208,
211; and Trail of Broken Treaties,
18 5-86; and Wounded Knee Mas­
sacre, 15 4-5 6
Plains Indians: and Geronimo, 15 0;
relocation of, 15 0, 151 ; scorched­
earth forays against, 139 ; slaughter
of buffalo of, 142 -43, 220; Win­
chester rifle in campaign against,
plantation(s): economy of, 5 5, 92-93,
10 9; and Hawkins project, 98;
Muskogee, 10 0; owned by Scots­
Irish, 5 3; vs. small-scale farmers,
55, 71, 80, 10 9, 13 4; in Spanish
Florida, 66, 10 2; in Texas, 12 6-27
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