An Indigenous Peoples History of the United States Ortiz

(darsice) #1

Plenty Horses, l 56-57
Plymouth Colony, 49, 62 -64
Polk, James K., l 3 l
Ponce de Leon, Juan, 43
Pontiac, 84
Pontiac's Rebellion (1 763 ), 68
Poor People's Campaign, 182 -83
population: during colonization,
39 -42; in precolonial America,
Portuguese colonialism, 42 -43, 199
poverty: of Chagossians, 225; colo­
nialism and, 262 n23; on reserva­
tions, 191, 208, 2rr; War on, 182 ,
20 8-9
POW. See prisoner of war (POW)
powerlessness, 21 l
Powhatan Confederacy, 60-6 1
prairies: habitat management on, 45;
in precolonial America, 24-2 5
Pratt, Richard Henry, l 5 l
precolonial North America, 15 -31;
Aztec civilization in, 20-21; corn
cultivation in, 21 -25; governance
in, 25-27; Indigenous peoples as
stewards of the land in, 2 7-3 o;
Mesoamerica in, 17 -21; peoples
of the corn in, 30 -3 lj population
in, 17
Price, David H., 227 -28
prisoner of war (POW): William
"Rusty" Calley as, 192 ; Geronimo
as, l 50-5 lj return of remains of,
207; vs. unlawful combatant, 222
privatization: and allotments, l 57-61,
249n4; of common land, 34 -36; of
property, 9 8; of war, 6 5
Prophet's Town, 84, 86
Pueblo Indians: and allotments,
16 0-61; history of, 20, 22, 23,
29; land claims by, 171, l8o; and
militarization, 226; military assault
on, 125

Index 291

Pueblo Lands Act (1924), l7l
Puritans, 48, 62 -64

Quakers, 200
Quincentennial year, 197-9 8

racism: and anticommunism, 17 5-76;
of Ralph Waldo Emerson, l 3 l;
irregular warfare and, 59; and
multiculturalism, 5; neo-, 230 ; in
19 20s, 17 0; and racial superior­
ity, 2 3 l; of US policies, l-2; and
Vietnam War, 192 ; and white
supremacy, 36 -39; of Walt Whit­
man, l17-18, 25 3n2
railroads: across reservations, 18 8;
and buffalo, 143; investment of
Indigenous funds in, 16 8; land
grants to, 14 0, 14 1-42, 145;
workers strike at, 166
rangers and ranging: in French and
Indian War, 67, 68, 69, 71; in
Georgia, 66, 92; and Haudeno­
saunee, 77; in Illinois and Indiana
Territories, 87; in late seventeenth
century, 63-64; and manifest
destiny, 220; and Miamis, 82 ; in
Ohio Country, 71-75, 82 -83; and
Tecumseh, 86 ; in Tennessee, 88 -90;
in Texas, 12 7, 130 -31, 150
Redhouse, John, 210
"redskins," 64-65
Red Sticks, 98 -9 9
religion: absorbing Christianity into,
79; and assimilation, l 5 l; of Cal­
vinists, 47-51, 54; and Crusades,
32 -33, 36 -37; and Doctrine of
Discovery, _200-201; Kiowa, 143;
Mayan, 18 ; of Pueblos, 12 5; and
repatriation of ancestral remains,
207; of Sioux Nation, 18 8, 18 9;
Sun Dance, 21; and Tecumseh, 85
reparations for land claims, 20 5-8
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