An Indigenous Peoples History of the United States Ortiz

(darsice) #1

12 -13; and neocolonialism, 7; and
Ulster-Scots, 51 -54; and US West
or Borderlands history, 7-8
settler-farmers, 61-62, 70-7 1
settler patriotism, 102 -7
settler-rangers. See rangers
Seven Years' War (1756-63), 53,
67-7 1
Sevier, John, 88 -90, 94
Seward, William H., 163
sexual violence, 212 -14, 262n3 2
Shawnee Nation, 71-73, 75, 83,
Sherman, William Tecumseh, 9-10,
94, 139 , 144-46, 156
Sioux Nation: Crazy Horse and, 152 ;
Ghost Dance of, 15 3-54; historical
experience of, 186 -91; massacre at
Wounded Knee of, 15 4-56; repara­
tions to, 207 -8; seizure of Black
Hills from, 18 0, 188, 207; and
termination policy, 190
Sitting Bull (Tatanka Yotanka),
15 1-5 2, 154
Six Nations of the Iroquois Confed­
eracy. See Haudenosaunee
slavery. See African American slaves
and slavery; African slaves and
Slotkin, Richard, 10 7, 178 -79, 235
smallpox, 62, 68
Smith, John, 28, 59, 60, 195
Smith, Redbird, 158
social contract, 5 2
social Darwinism, 39, u8
social dysfunction, 21 1-14
social movement theory, 230
soldiers: buffalo, 143, 146 -49, 16 7;
Indigenous, 135 , 158; Scots-Irish,
soldier-settlers, 53, 12 5
Sonora Desert, early agriculture in,
21 -22

Index 293

South Africa: British defeat of Boers
in, 140; as covenant state, 47,
48, 50
South America, independence move­
ment in, u9-20
sovereignty: and Curtis Act, 15 8;
and Dawes Allotment Act, 15 8;
and Doctrine of Discovery, 200,
214, 217 ; and fishing rights, 18 2;
and future of US, 229-31; and
Indian Appropriation Act, 142;
and Indian Claims Commission,
173; and Indian Gaming Regula­
tory Act, 210 ; and Indian Reorga­
nization Act, 190 ; in Indigenous
constitutions, 216 ; and Indigenous
governance, 21 5; and Indigenous
movement, 10 ; industrialization
and, 16 8; and narrative of dysfunc­
tion, 21 1; in pre-colonial period,
25 -26; and repatriation, 207, 23 1,
23 3; and self-determination, 202 -4;
and Termination Act, 173-74; and
Trail of Broken Treaties, 185
Spain: colonialism by, 199; in "New
World," 42 -43; and Quincenten­
nial year, 197-9 8
Spanish-American War (1898), 12 0
Spanish Florida (Guale), 66, 90
Spanish settler-colonists in Mexico,
"special operations," 5 8
Special Operations Command,
22 1-22
Spicer, Edward H., 3 2
spirit world in Indigenous governance,
26, 246n 14
Spott, Robert, 16 9-70
Standing Bear, Luther, 15 7
Stannard, David, 3 7
Starr, Emmet, 30
starvation: and allotments, 18 9;
buffalo hunting and, l 87; in
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