Web Development with jQuery®

(Elliott) #1


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Part II: jQuery UI

➤ (^) Chapter 12: Draggable and Droppable—You learn how to implement the Draggable and
the Droppable jQuery UI plugins to create drag-and-drop API, an alternative to the HTML5
drag-and-drop API introduced in Chapter 11.
➤ (^) Chapter 13: Sortable—How you can make lists sortable using drag-and-drop.
➤ (^) Chapter 14: Selectable—Learn about the portion of the jQuery UI library that enables you to
make a selection by drawing a box with your mouse, just like you might do in your OS’s fi le
management application.
➤ (^) Chapter 15: Accordion—See how to make a polished-looking sidebar that has panes that
transition like an accordion. When you mouse over an element, one pane collapses via an
animation, and another one expands, also via an animation.
➤ (^) Chapter 16: Datepicker—You make a standard form input fi eld into a Datepicker using
jQuery’s Datepicker widget.
➤ (^) Chapter 17: Dialog—You create virtual pop-up windows, using the jQuery UI library, that
look and act like real pop-up windows but are entirely contained in the same web page that
launches them and are built using pure markup, CSS, and JavaScript.
➤ (^) Chapter 18: Tabs—The jQuery UI tab component, which enables you to take a document
and split it into several tabs and navigate between those tabs without needing to load
another page.
Part III: Popular Third-Party jQuery Plugins
➤ (^) Chapter 19: Tablesorter—An introduction to a third-party jQuery plugin used for sorting
HTML tables by one or more columns.
➤ (^) Chapter 20: Creating an Interactive Slideshow—You set up a slideshow plugin, a more com-
plicated example of creating a jQuery plugin, which you can then expand on.
➤ (^) Chapter 21: Working with HTML5 Audio and Video—Covers the MediaElement plugin,
which bridges audio and video support across desktop and mobile platforms for various
popular media formats, such as H.264 and MP3 audio.
➤ (^) Chapter 22: Creating a Simple WYSIWYG Editor—Discusses the contenteditable attribute
and the various components needed to make a text editor inside the browser.
Part IV: Appendices
➤ (^) Appendix A—This appendix contains the answers to chapter exercises.
➤ (^) Appendix B–U—These appendices contain reference materials for jQuery and jQuery UI.

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