biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Resist Wall Kamada M, Omori K, Nishitani K, et al.
Germination and growth test in four strains of
Arabidopsis thaliana in the reference model of
European Modular Cultivation System. Japan
Society of Microgravity Application.


Resist Wall Kamada M, Omori K, Yokoyama R, et al.
Preparation and outline of space-based studies
on gravity responses and cell wall formation in
plants. Biological Sciences in Space.
2009;23:115-120. doi: 10.2187/bss.21.56.


Resist Wall Wakabayashi K, Soga K, Hoson T. Modification
of cell wall architecture in gramineous plants
under altered gravity condition. Biological
Sciences in Space. 2009;23(3):137-142. doi:


Resist Wall Hoson T, Matsumoto S, Soga K, et al. The
outline and significance of the resist wall
experiment: Role of microtubule-membrane-
cell wall continuum in gravity resistance in
plants. Biological Sciences in Space.
2007;21(3):56-61. doi:


Resist Wall Kamada M, Omori K, Nishitani K, Hoson T,
Shimazu T, Ishioka N. JAXA space plant research
on the ISS with European Modular Cultivation
System. Biological Sciences in Space.


Root Matia I, Gonzalez-Camacho F, Herranz R, et al.
Plant cell proliferation and growth are altered
by microgravity conditions in dpaceflight.
Journal of Plant Physiology. 2010;167(3):184-

  1. doi: 10.1016/j.jplph.2009.08.012.


Root Medina F, Herranz R. Microgravity environment
uncouples cell growth and cell proliferation in
root meristematic cells: The mediator role of
auxin. Plant Signaling & Behavior. February 1,
2010;5(2):176-179. doi: 10.4161/psb.5.2.10966.


Root Manzano AI, Matia I, Gonzalez-Camacho F, et al.
Germination of Arabidopsis seed in space and in
simulated microgravity: Alterations in root cell
growth and proliferation. Microgravity Science
and Technology. 2009;21(4):293-297.


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