biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

ETD Kornilova LN, Alekhina MI, Temnikova VV, et al.
The effect of a long stay under microgravity on
the vestibular function and tracking eye
movements. Human Physiology.
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ETD Kornilova LN. The role of gravitation-dependent
systems in visual tracking. Neuroscience and
Behavioral Physiology. 2004;34(8):773-781. doi:


H-Reflex Watt DG. Effects of altered gravity on spinal
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H-Reflex Watt DG, Lefebvre L. Effects of altered gravity
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Hypersole Strzalkowski ND, Lowrey CR, Perry SD, Williams
DR, Wood SJ, Bent LR. Selective weighting of
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balance impairments following short duration
space flight. Neuroscience Letters. April
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Hypersole Lowrey C, Perry S, Strzalkowski N, Williams DR,
Wood SJ, Bent LR. Selective skin sensitivity
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Mobility Cohen HS, Kimball KT, Mulavara AP, Bloomberg
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Mobility Peters BT, Miller CA, Brady RA, Richards JT,
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