mFISH Multicolor Fluorescence In-Situ Hybridization
MFMG Miscible Fluids in Microgravity
mGy milligray
MHTEX Massive Heat Transfer Experiment
MIA Cell to Cell Interaction of Monocytes and T-Lymphocytes in Microgravity
Microstructure Formation in Casting of Technical Alloys under Diffusive
and Magnetically Controlled Convective Conditions, and - 2
Microspace Microbial life in Space: Response to environmental factors in a space
Micro- 2 Gravitational Effects on Biofilm Formation During Space Flight
Micro- 4
Microbial Biofilm Formation During Space Flight
Microbe Effect of Spaceflight on Microbial Gene Expression and Virulence
Microbe-I/II Microbial Dynamics in International Space Station
Midodrine-Long and
Midodrine as a Countermeasure Against Postflight Orthostatic Hypo-
tension – Long- and Short-Duration Biological Investigation
Study of Physical Processes Associated with Atmospheric Lightning
Discharges Using the Chibis-M Microsatellite and Progress Cargo Vehicle
MISSE - 1 and - 2 Materials International Space Station Experiment – 1 and 2
MISSE - 3 and - 4 Materials International Space Station Experiment – 3 and 4
MISSE - 5 Materials International Space Station Experiment – 5
MISSE – 6A and – 6B Materials International Space Station Experiment – 6A and 6B
MISSE - 7 Materials International Space Station Experiment – 7
MISSE - 8 Materials International Space Station Experiment – 8
MJ Modern multijunction
MKCIT magnesium potassium citrate
ML-I mistletoe lectin-I
MLI multilayer insulation
MMOD micrometeoroid and orbital debris
MMTP mitochondrial metabolite transport proteins
MnCl2 magnesium chloride
MnSOD manganese superoxide dismutase
MOBIAS Multiple Orbital Bioreactor with Instrumentation and Automated Sampling
Promoting Sensorimotor Response to Generalizability: A
Countermeasure to Mitigate Locomotor Dysfunction After Long-
duration Spaceflight
MOE Ministry of Education
Molniya-Gamma Investigating Atmospheric Burst of GammaDuring Thunderstorm Activity - Ray and Optical Emissions