biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1


Study of the Electrodynamic Interaction Processes in the Earth’s
Atmosphere, ionosphere, and Magnetosphere Using the ВФС-3М
Videophotometric System
MOP Motion Perception: Vestibular Adaptation to G-Transitions
MOSFET metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor
Mouse Immunology Effect of Space Flight on Innate Immunity to Respiratory Viral Infections
MPC multi-protocol converter
MPD hexylene glycol
MPV Meerwein-Pohhdorf-Verley
MR magnetorheological
MRI magnetic resonance imaging
mRNA messenger RNA
MRSA methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus
MSG microgravity sciences glove box
MSL Materials Science Laboratory
mSv milliSieverts
MSRR materials science research rack
MSSS Maui Space Surveillance Site

Multigen Molecular and Plant Physiological Analyses of the Microgravity Effects
on Multigeneration Studies of Arabidopsis Thaliana

Muscle (^) Study of Low Back Pain in Crewmembers During Space Flight
Myco Mycological Evaluation of Crewmember Exposure to ISS Ambient Air
Myocyte Microgravity on Expression of Calcium Channels in Myocytes
Myolab Cbl-b-Mediated Protein Ubiquitination Downregulates the Response of
Skeletal Muscle Cells to Growth Factors in Space
NaCl sodium chloride
Concrete Mixing
NanoRacks-Faith Christian Academy-Concrete Mixing
Robot NanoRacks-Fremont Christian High School-Micro-Robot^
1 and - 2
NanoRacks-National Center for Earth and Space Science Education, Two
NanoRacks-Terpene NanoRacks-Terpene Extraction in Microgravity
Squids- 1 NanoRacks-University of Florida-Squids-1
NanoRacks-VCHS NanoRacks-Valley Christian High School
NanoRacks-WCHS E.
Coli and Kanamycin
NanoRacks-Whittier Christian High School-E.Coli Bacteria and Kanamycin
Nanoskeleton Production of High Performance Nanomaterials in Microgravity

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