biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Виток-2 [Vitok-2(Z)] – Using a personal computer, dynamics of the functional state of
    the visual system is assessed, as are the functional psycho-physiological capabilities of
    operator higher mental functions and performance.

  2. Виток-2H [Vitok-2(N)] – Using a video camera and voice recorder, ground observation
    objects are noted and described (verbally).

  3. Виток-2(А) [Vitok-2(А)] – One of 10 space objects whose image is presented on a PC
    screen is identified and experiment results recorded on the PC.

  4. Виток-2(М) [Vitok-2(М)] – Manual final approach is performed during the simulated
    motion of a manned transport vehicle and an orbital station on a PC.

The effects of space conditions on a person are the focus in this experiment. New knowledge is
expected to be the major benefit of this investigation

Vitok-2 experimental research characterizes crew members’ physiological condition, their vision
organs, and their ability to perform skill tasks aboard manned spacecraft, beginning with the
first orbits and days of spaceflight during the period of acute adaptation to spaceflight factors.
The data obtained in the experiment make it possible to update crew training methods.

Виток-2 [Vitok-2(3)]. In the Виток-2 [Vitok-2(3)] experiment, for the first time both the
functional state of the visual system and the interaction among different levels of its
organization were studied in an integrated system. Analysis of the results indicates that there
are some changes in the level of visual analysis function of a human operator in spaceflight
compared to the pre- and post-flight periods. Results of the performed tests demonstrate
sufficiently high stability of performance and resistance when exposed to negative work factors
during short-term spaceflight, using visual acuity as an integrated parameter of the visual

Vitok-2(N). In this experiment, the operator used “free search,” in other words was not
presented with specific objects on the Earth’s surface for identification that are supposed to
appear in the operator’s field of view at a given time during Soyuz vehicle flight. The reliability
of observation results was assessed by combining them with analogous results from previous
studies, a coordinate reference point along the flight path in the observation area, analysis of
video footage shot during the space experiment, and operator narration on a dictaphone.

Vitok-2(А). The results of the Vitok-2(А) experiment indicate that the Vitok-2(А) software
enables the necessary experimental data to be obtained in order to determine the capabilities
of the crewmember/operator to perform a task of identifying a space object in the first orbits
and days of vehicle spaceflight.

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