Research Area: Spacecraft Materials
Expedition(s): 15
Principal Investigator(s): ● Corey Duncan, Air Force Research Laboratory, Kirtland Air
Force Base, New Mexico
The elastic memory composite hinge (EMCH)
experiment provides test data on new materials
that will further space hardware technology. This
technology may eliminate the need for highly
complex deployment mechanisms by providing a
simpler, lightweight alternative to mechanical
hinges. EMCH builds on the previous space
shuttle experiment, lightweight, flexible solar
array hinge (LFSAH) that was flown on STS-93.
Since composite materials are valued for being
lightweight and strong, the hinges may have
spin-off applications on Earth.
EMC materials tested in this experiment are stronger and lighter than current material used in
space hinges and could be used in the design of future spacecraft.
EMCH was successfully completed aboard the International Space Station (ISS) during
Expedition 15. The investigation was returned to Earth for a complete analysis by the
investigator team in 2007. However, the preliminary assessment indicated that the experiment
demonstrated the robustness and reliability of the TEMBO® EMC hinge in the zero-gravity
environment. This test campaign consisted of both nominal and off-nominal conditions, with
the final series of tests presenting the most challenging conditions for in-orbit TEMBO® hinges.
The successful completion of these tests indicates that hinges meet the designed performance
goals of a next-generation, spaceflight-qualified actuator. Additionally, the science gained from
this experiment confirms engineering assumptions used to design the TEMBO® EMC hinges as
well as other TEMBO® EMC-deployable structures that are being developed for space
This investigation is complete; however additional results are pending publications.
View of Expedition 15 Flight Engineer Sunita Williams
during the EMCH experiment operations in the US
Laboratory, Destiny. The EMCH assembly (gold box) is
visible on right of photo.