(Pride Chekera) #1

Physicist Nicolai Kardashev had proposed a hierarchy of human
civilization considering the amount of energy we can harness.
This hierarchy runs from Type 1 to Type 3, but can be produced
to even Type 5 civilization.

So, how this hierarchy identifies us as humanity, dwellers of a
'pale blue dot?' Since we had advanced we had not reach that
point we can harness all of the energy systems of our planet. We
are still basing on hydroelectric, coal, nuclear and wind power
stations. We are not able to harness all of the energy incident on
our planet from our parent star. We are not able to control
hurricanes into useful rains or lightning into useful electricity.
This means we are below Type 1 civilization (planetary
civilization), a civilization which can harness about 10^16 Watts
of power, accurately, we are Type 0.73 civilization near Type 1.

Michio Kaku estimated that about 100 to 200 years to come, we
will be Type 1 civilization, with ability to harness energy falling
on our planet from our parent star, the Sun. By that era, we will
have accomplish exploring our solar system.

Now we not yet explore the whole of our solar system to beyond
Pluto. We will be able to control hurricanes, tornadoes, and
earthquakes. Physics will allow us to explore much deeper
corners of the universe, even getting answers to some of the
questions we have now and discover more. Our lives will be

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