(Pride Chekera) #1

altered by technology; an ecological world will be replaced by
an electronic world.

Humans will have microchip transplants and will be able to
control electronic devices. Nanotechnology will advance
medicine as nanorobots will be planted in human bodies to
repair worn out tissues and for some physiologic importance.
We will achieve baby design through genetic engineering,
recording dreams using micro electrodes, neurohacking and
brain wave passwords, all will be our future lives due to physics
and its enhancements. Your health will be monitored by a
robodoctor whose voice appeared from your four walled
screened room as Michio Kaku pointed it out in his book
Physics of the Impossible.

Everything around you will be electronic, your clothes will have
fixed internet, even your roboglasses having an adventure of
virtual reality. By just wearing your roboglasses you will be
logged on internet, you will see a virtual world, that will be the
case in virtual meetings.

Instead of employing a worker in your house, you will have your
own robot working for you, advancement in quantum computing
will lead to the manufacturing of robots which have emotions, a
robot you can have a conversation with. That is going to be our
daily lives in future.

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