Pharmacology for Dentistry

(Ben Green) #1
148 Section 3/ Drugs Acting on ANS

It is another α 1 -selective blocker used in
hypertension and benign prostatic


It is another potent and selective α 1 -
adrenoceptor antagonist and quinazoline
derivative. It’s antihypertensive effect is
produced by a reduction in smooth muscle
tone of peripheral vascular beds.

Doxazosin is well absorbed after oral
administration and approximately two third
of the dose is bioavailable.


It is uroselective α1A blocker and has
been found effective in improving BPH

Adverse effects include dizziness and
retrograde ejaculation.


It is an alkaloid obtained from an
African plant Yohimbehe. Chemically it is
an indolealkylamine related to reserpine.
It has selective α 2 blocking property with
short duration of action and also blocks 5-
hydroxytryptamine receptors. It produces
increase in heart rate and blood pressure
due to increase in noradrenaline release.
It does not have any role in clinical

Therapeutic Uses of Alpha Blockers

  1. Diagnosis and treatment of
    is used in the treatment of inoperable
    pheochromocytoma. Phentolamine
    test is used for the diagnosis of
    2. Hypertension: The selective α 1 blockers
    such as prazosin, terazosin, doxazosin
    etc. are used in the management of
    essential hypertension.
    3. Congestive heart failure: The selective
    α 1 blocker affords symptomatic relief
    in congestive heart failure in short
    4. Peripheral vascular disease: In
    Raynaud’s phenomenon, the drugs like
    prazosin, phenoxybenzamine produce
    a symptomatic relief.
    5. Alpha blockers can be used in
    secondary shock due to any blood/
    fluid loss accompanied by reflex
    6. Benign prostate hypertrophy: Alpha
    receptor blockers increase urinary flow
    rate and causing more complete
    emptying of urinary bladder in benign
    prostate hypertrophy patients.
    7. Migraine: Ergotamine is used in the
    treatment of migraine.
    8. Erectile dysfunction: Injection of papav-
    erine with or without phentolamine in
    the corpus cavernosum has been found
    to be effective in erectile dysfunction of
    Other drugs used for erectile dysfunction
    Sildenafil: It is orally active selective in-
    hibitor of phosphodiesterase type 5 useful in
    treatment of erectile dysfunction. It results
    in reduced breakdown of cyclic guanosine
    monophosphate (cGMP) which is responsible
    for nitric acid (NO) mediated vasodilatation
    in corpora cavernosa. Thus inducing an erec-
    tile response to sexual stimulation. It has no
    direct relaxant effect on smooth muscle of
    corpus cavernosa and has no effect in absence
    of sexual stimulation.

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