Physical Chemistry , 1st ed.

(Darren Dugan) #1
angular momentum and spin angular momentum, that determines the total
electronic eigenvalue energy and thus dictates the changes in energy recorded
in an electronic spectrum. It is important, then, to understand how the orbital
and spin angular momenta interact. This interaction is called spin-orbit cou-
pling.Spin-orbit coupling acts to make individual electronic energies slightly
different from the equation above, depending on how the spin angular mo-
mentum is interacting with the orbital angular momentum. The overall effect
is to splitthe energy levels into a larger number of discrete energy levels. The
net result is that the electronic spectrum of a multielectron atom is more
Experiments have indicated that the total angular momentum and the zcom-
ponent of the total angular momentum for an electron are quantized. (This
situation is very similar to the rotations of molecules.) As such, the allowed
values for total angular momenta quantum numbers are similar to those for
orbital or spin angular momenta. We will adopt the convention of using the
quantum numbers and mto refer to the orbital angular momenta of an
electron,sand msto label the spin angular momenta, and introduce the quan-
tum numbers jand mjto refer to the total angular momentum and the zcom-
ponent of the total angular momentum for a single electron. As with all angu-
lar momenta,mjcan have 2j 1 possible values, ranging from jto j. We also
adopt the convention of using capital letters for the various quantum numbers
for the total angular momenta of several electrons. We will use ,m, and so
on for a single electron, but L,ML,S,MS,J, and MJfor the various combined
momenta of more than one electron.
Orbital and spin angular momenta combine (that is, couple) in vector fash-
ion. Consider the electron having 0 (that is, an electron in the ssubshell)
as shown in Figure 15.2. The spin angular momentum sis always ^12 for an elec-
tron, but it can be oriented in two different directions (corresponding to the
quantum number mshaving values of ^12 or ^12 ). The total angular momen-
tum, labeled by the quantum number j, is determined from the combination
of the and svalues, or simply ^12 . However, the jvector can have two possible
orientations with respect to the z-axis, corresponding to two different possible
values ofmj, as shown in Figure 15.2.
For a single p-subshell electron,jcan have two possible values, correspond-
ing to the two possible vector combinations of the vector (which has mag-
nitude 1) and the svector (which has magnitude ^12 ). This is illustrated in Figure
15.3. For the pelectron:
j s or  s (15.6)




 or 1 









Generally, the possible values ofjare

j s→ s in integer steps (15.7)

where the arrow means “through.” For j^12 ,mjcan be either ^12 or ^12 , just as
for the single selectron. However, for j^32 ,mjcan have values of ^32 , ^12 ,^12 ,or
^32 . Thus, the single pelectron has more possible values for its total angular mo-
mentum, and more possible zcomponents of its total angular momentum,
than a single selectron.

15.4 Angular Momenta: Orbital and Spin 523

mj  2
 0 s  2

mj   2
 0 s  2

j  2
 1 s  2

j  2
 1 s  2

Figure 15.3 The combination of the orbital
angular momentum of a p-subshell electron (rep-
resented by a vector) with the spin angular mo-
mentum can also lead to two possible total angu-
lar momenta. Compare with Figure 15.2.

Figure 15.2 The combination of the orbital
angular momentum of an s-subshell electron
(represented by a single dot) with the spin angu-
lar momentum yields a total angular momentum
jof^12 that can have two possible zorientations,
corresponding to mj^12 and mj ^12 , as shown.

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