Physical Chemistry , 1st ed.

(Darren Dugan) #1

current, electrical, 561–564
cyclic rule, for partial derivatives, 19–20, 44, 103–104

Dalton, John, 184, 251
Daniell, John, 215
Daniell cell
description, 215
instantaneous electric potential, 218–219
Davisson, Clinton J., 268
de Broglie, Louis, 267
de Broglie equation, 267–269, 280
de Broglie wavelength, 611–612
Debye, Peter J. W., 230, 646
Debye frequency, 646–648
Debye-Hückel theory, 230–234, 646
description, 548
free induction decay, 581
nuclear decay, 688–690, 701–702
de Coulomb, Charles-Augustin, 207
doubly-degenerate wavefunctions, 591
nondegenerate perturbation theory, 386–394, 402–403
particle-in-a-box solution, 303–306, 605
in quantum mechanics, 303–306, 605, 618, 631–632
degrees of freedom
description, 158–159, 167
in multiple-component equilibria, 167–168
rotational degrees of freedom, 482–483
vibrational degrees of freedom, 482–483, 500, 541
de Laplace, Pierre-Simon M., 773
delocalization energy, 545
crystal lattice effects, 738–740
description, 738
power density of light, 254, 256
dependent variables, in multiple-component equilibria, 168
deposition, 143
desorption, 784, 786
destructive interference, 742
Dewar, James, 46
dew point line
description, 174
in liquid/liquid systems, 174–178
in nonideal two-component liquid solutions, 180–182
diatomic molecules
electronic partition functions, 621–623
electronic spectroscopy, 534–539
rotational motion, 466, 474, 479, 628–634
rotational temperature, 629–630
vibrational motion, 483–484, 491, 496–497, 623–628
vibrational temperature, 625
wavefunctions, 536, 630

dielectric constant, 209
Bragg’s law, 741–744, 749–750
grating, 740
Miller indices, 744–752, 778–780
X-ray diffraction, 741–752
diffusion coefficient, 674
Fick’s first law of diffusion, 674, 676
kinetic theory of gases, 671–677
self-diffusion, 675
dipole moment
description, 487–489, 495–496, 499
electric dipole operator, 463
magnetic dipoles, 561–564
nuclear magnetic dipole, 572
polarizability, 513
varying dipole moment, 488
Dirac, Paul A. M., 372
dissociation limit, 621–622
distillation,seefractional distillation; simple distillation
Dupré, A., 775
dynamic equilibrium, 120, 125,see alsochemical

ebullioscopic constant, 196
Carnot cycle, 68–73, 94
temperature relationship, 68–72
effusion, kinetic theory of gases, 671–677
eigenvalue equation
description, 277–279, 290
in rotating systems, 347–352
in spin angular momentum of electrons, 372
Einstein, Albert, 259, 262, 550–551, 676
Einstein temperature, 645–646
electric charges, 561–564
electric current, 561–564
electric dipole operator, 463
electric field E, 209
electric potential, 209
electrochemical potential
biochemical reactions, 218
description, 211–212
electromotive force, 212–213, 215
nonstandard potentials, 218–225
charges, 207–209, 374–375
conductance, 234–237
Debye-Hückel Theory, 230–234, 646
energy, 210–215
equilibrium constants, 218–225
ionic transport, 234–237


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