Physical Chemistry , 1st ed.

(Darren Dugan) #1

harmonic oscillator (continued)
description, 315–329
hydrogen atom, 332–333
ideal harmonic potential, 491
motion equations, 245–246
quantum-mechanical harmonic oscillator, 318–324,
vibration treatment, 484–485, 490–491, 624
wavefunctions, 321–329
adiabatic systems, 33, 41, 48–49
Carnot cycle, 68–73, 94
changing temperatures, 29, 58–60
description, 4, 24–32
heat of adsorption, 787
heat of formation, 55–57
heat of fusion, 51, 146
heat of sublimation, 146
heat of vaporization, 51–53, 146
mechanical equivalent, 30
specific heat, 31, 40
heat capacity
constant volume heat capacity, 39
of crystals, 644–645
derivation from partition functions, 638–640
entropy change, 75–76
first law of thermodynamics, 31, 39–42, 46–50
Heisenberg, Werner, 269, 279–280
Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, 279–281
Heitler, W., 446
charge, 374–375, 396–397
Grotrian diagram, 533
lasers, 556
partition function, 604–608
Schrödinger equation, 374–376, 413
wavefunctions, 376–378, 396
Helmholtz energy
description, 89, 92–96, 114
isothermic processes, 92–94
statistical thermodynamics, 601–602, 604, 610–611
Henry, William, 184
Henry’s law, in liquid/gas systems, 183–184
Hermite, Charles, 279, 326
Hermite polynomials, 326–327
Hermitian operators, 279
Hertz, Heinrich, 253
Hess, Germain H., 54
Hess’s law
description, 54, 56, 61
entropy changes, 82
in redox reactions, 216–217
Hinshelwood, Cyril N., 786
Hooke’s-law harmonic oscillator,seeHarmonic oscillator

Hook’s law
motion equations, 245–246, 316
vibration treatment, 484
Hückel, Erich, 230, 543
Hückel approximations, in electronic spectroscopy, 543–546
Hund’s rule, 384, 532, 538
hybrid orbitals, symmetry, 450–456
hydrochloric acid, vibrational parameters, 490–491,
507–508, 625
hydrogen atom
Bohr’s theory, 262–267
central force problem, 352–353, 365
electronic spectrum,seeelectronic spectroscopy
electron spin, 373
harmonic oscillation, 332–333
quantum mechanics, 262–267, 352–365, 373
quantum numbers, 373, 380
symmetry, 442–443, 633
wavefunctions, 355–365
hyperfine coupling, 569–571

ideal gas constant, 7, 9, 553
ideal gases
description, 7
fugacity, 110–113
Gibbs free energy variation, 108
ideal gas law, 7, 609, 668
Joule-Thomson coefficients, 44–45, 103–104
kinetics, 651–679
real gases compared, 11
identity element, 420
immiscibility, 182
inertia, moment of inertia, 334
inertial axes, 467–468
inexact differentials, 35
infrared radiation
characteristics, 464–465
fingerprint regions, 504–506
vibrational symmetry, 494–496, 499–501, 503
Coulomb integrals, 449
overlap integrals, 398, 407
resonance integrals, 407
symmetry, 441–443, 449
integrated rate laws, 686–688
intensive variables, 216
interface effects, 771–777
interference, 742
internal energy
chemical changes, 37, 53–58
in electrochemistry, 210
enthalpy relationship, 601
first law of thermodynamics, 32–33


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