Physical Chemistry , 1st ed.

(Darren Dugan) #1

ideal liquid solution mixing, 178–179
Joule-Thomson coefficients, 42–46, 103–104
natural variable equations, 96–99, 104
spontaneity determination, 90
state function, 33–36, 38–42
internal pressure, 28
interstitial defect, 759
center of inversion, 420
inversion temperature, 45
Debye-Hückel Theory, 230–234, 646
ionic crystals, 732, 734, 752–759
ionic radius, 752–754
ionic strength, 228, 230–234
ionic transport, 234–237
ions in solution, 225–234
ion-specific electrodes, 223–224
redox reactions,seeredox reaction
ion-specific electrodes, 223–224
irreversible processes, 28, 74–75
isenthalpy, 43, 90–91
isobaric change, 42
isochoric change
description, 42
Helmholtz energy, 92
isoelectric point, 136
isolated systems, 32, 75
isothermic processes
description, 28–29, 41, 58
entropy, 72–73, 92
Freundlich isotherm, 786
fugacity, 111
Gibbs free energy, 95, 147
Helmholtz energy, 92–94
isothermal compressibility, 20, 94, 102
Langmuir-Hinshelwood isotherms, 786
Langmuir isotherms, 784, 786
phase transitions, 146–147

Jeans, James H., 256
j-j coupling scheme, 526
joule, 30
Joule, James P., 30
Joule-Thomson coefficients
description, 42–46, 103–104
inversion temperature, 45

Kamerlingh-Onnes, Heike, 46
Kelvin, 7
Kepler, Johannes, 752

kinetic energy
Hamiltonian function relationship, 245, 286–287
harmonic oscillation,seeharmonic oscillator
Lagrange’s equations, 246
overview, 243, 259, 652, 656
quantum mechanics, 259
two-dimensional rotations, 334
chain reactions, 714–719
collisions, 666–671
consecutive reactions, 696–702
diffusion, 671–677
effusion, 671–677
equilibrium for simple reactions, 694–696
mechanisms, 706–710
oscillating reactions, 714–719
overview, 47, 651–652, 677, 680–681, 725
parallel reactions, 696–702
postulates, 652–656
pressure, 652–656
radioactivity, 688–690, 701–702
rate laws, 681–694
steady-state approximation, 710–714
temperature dependence, 683, 702–706
thermodynamics compared, 680, 694
transition-state theory, 719–725
velocity distributions, 656–666
kinetic theory of gases
collisions, 666–671
diffusion, 671–677
effusion, 671–677
overview, 47, 651–652, 677
postulates, 652–656
pressure, 652–656
velocity distributions, 656–666
Kirchhoff, Gustav R., 248–249, 257
Knudsen, Martin, 674
Knudsen cells, 674
Kohlrausch, Friedrich, 237
Kohlrausch’s law, 237

Lagrange, Joseph L., 243
Lagrange function, 244, 246–248
Laguerre polynomials, 354
Landé, Alfred, 567
Landé g factor, 566–567
Langmuir, Irving, 777
Langmuir-Blodgett film, 777
Langmuir-Hinshelwood isotherms, 786
Langmuir isotherms, 784, 786
Langrange’s method of undetermined multipliers, 595
Laplace-Young equation, 773, 776
Laplacian operator, 299, 374

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