Physical Chemistry , 1st ed.

(Darren Dugan) #1

molar energy, 656
molar heat capacity, 40, 47–48
molar volume, 10
molecularity, 707
Born-Oppenheimer approximation, 403–405, 539
centrifugal distortions, 479–481
diatomic molecules,seediatomic molecules
electronic partition functions, 621–623
fingerprint regions, 504–506
LCAO-MO theory, 405–409
orbital properties, 409–415
overview, 370, 413
polyatomic molecules,seepolyatomic molecules
property derivation from partition functions, 637–640
rotational-vibrational spectroscopy, 506–511
symmetry, 427–430, 482–483, 631
vibration,seevibrational spectroscopy
mole fraction
description, 78
vapor-phase mole fractions, 173–174
moment of inertia, 334
angular momentum,seeangular momentum
average values, 294–295, 329
classical definition, 280
conjugate momenta, 244
de Broglie wavelength relationship, 267–269, 280
harmonic oscillation,seeharmonic oscillator
linear momentum, 334
three-dimensional rotations, 341–347
two-dimensional rotations, 333–341
monatomic gases
kinetics, 656
partition functions, 604–608
Morse potential, 492–493
motion,seelaws of motion
multicomponent systems,see alsosingle-component systems
colligative properties, 193–202
description, 142
equilibria, 166–205
Gibbs phase rule, 166–169, 189
Henry’s law, 183–184
liquid/gas systems, 183–184, 194
liquid/liquid systems, 169–179, 193, 201
liquid/solid solutions, 185–188, 194
nonideal two-component liquid solutions, 179–183
overview, 166, 201–202
solid/solid solutions, 188–193

natural variables
for enthalpy, 91

equations, 96–99, 104, 144
Helmholtz energy, 92
in single-component systems, 144, 159–162
in state functions, 90
negative deviation, in vapor pressure, 179
Nernst, Walther H., 218
Nernst equation, in nonstandard conditions, 218–223
Newton, Isaac, 242
Newton’s laws of motion, 242–243, 653–654
nodes, 362
nondegenerate perturbation theory, 386–394, 402–403
nonideal gases
description, 10–17
fugacity, 110–113
non-spontaneous changes, 67
description, 236
orthonormality, 307
normalization, 283–285, 303, 335–336, 435
nuclear decay, kinetics, 688–690, 701–702
nuclear magnetic dipole, 572
nuclear magnetic resonance, 571–582
nuclear magneton, 572
nuclear partition functions, statistical thermodynamics,
617–621, 633

in quantum mechanics, 276–279, 288, 347–352
rotating systems, 347–352
occupation numbers, 588
Ohm’s law, 236
Onsäger, Lars, 237
Onsäger equation, 237
operators, 276–279, 288
Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 404
orbital properties
Aufbau principle, 382–386
Hückel approximations, 543–546
hybrid orbitals, 450–456
LCAO-MO theory, 405–409
molecular orbitals, 409–415
orbital angular momentum, 373, 522–525, 535
electron systems, 543–546
spin angular momentum compared, 373
spin orbitals, 377–382
term symbols, 526–534
order, entropy, 79–81, 602
orders, in rate laws, 683–685
orthogonality theorem, 438–441, 537
wavefunctions, 306–307
orthonormality, 307

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