Physical Chemistry , 1st ed.

(Darren Dugan) #1

surface tension
capillary action, 775–777
description, 766–771
surroundings, 2–3
character tables, 430–437
great orthogonality theorem, 438–441, 537
hybrid orbitals, 450–456
in integrals, 441–443, 449
mathematical basis, 423–427, 439
molecules, 427–430, 482–483, 631
operations, 420–423, 431–435
overview, 419–420, 456
point groups, 420–435
selection rules in spectroscopy, 462–463, 471–473,
symmetry-adapted linear combinations, 443–446
symmetry number, 634
valence bond theory, 446–450
vibrations, 494–502
wavefunctions, 429–430, 437–438, 631
adiabatic systems, 33, 41–49, 75, 77, 103–104
closed systems, 4, 32
description, 2–3
isolated system, 32, 75
Joule-Thomson coefficients, 42–46, 103–104
multicomponent systems,seemulticomponent systems
observables, 276–279, 288, 347–352
partition functions, 636–637
single-component systems,seesingle-component
state variables, 2–5, 7

Taylor-series approximation, 15, 625
temperature,see alsothermodynamics
Boyle temperature, 13, 15–16
Carnot cycle, 68–73, 94
change, 58–60
Clapeyron equation, 148–152, 155
common units, 3, 7
constant temperature, 41
critical temperature, 155–156
Debye temperatures, 647
description, 3–4
efficiency relationship, 68–72
Einstein temperature, 645–646
equations of state, 5–9, 100, 105
equilibria in single-component systems, 141–165
exact differential, 100
Freundlich isotherm, 786

Gibbs free energy variation, 105–108
heat capacities,seeheat capacity
heat of vaporization, 51–53, 146
inversion temperature, 45
Joule-Thomson coefficients, 42–46, 103–104
Langmuir-Hinshelwood isotherms, 786
Langmuir isotherms, 784, 786
normal melting point, 143
phase diagrams, 154–159, 180–182
rate of reaction effects, 683, 702–706
rotational temperature, 629–630, 635
SI units, 3, 7
standard temperature and pressure, 7–8
temperature coefficient of reaction, 219
vibrational temperature, 625
termination reactions, kinetics, 714–719
term symbols, quantum numbers, 526–534
Tesla, Nikolai, 561
tetrafluoroethylene, Raman spectrum, 512
theoretical plate, 176, 178
thermal de Broglie wavelength, 611–612
thermal equilibrium
description, 4
in lasers, 553
thermochemistry, 54
Carnot cycle, 68–73, 94
chemical changes, 53–58
concepts, 587–590
crystals, 644–648
description, 2, 24
disorder concept of entropy, 602–603
entropy, 72–79, 81–85, 602–604
equations of state, 5–9
equilibria, 640–644
first law of thermodynamics, 24–65
fugacity, 110–114
gas laws, 6–10
Gibbs free energy, 93
heat capacities, 31, 39–41, 46–50
internal energy,seeinternal energy
Joule-Thomson coefficients, 42–46, 103–104
kinetics compared, 680, 694
limitations, 66–68
Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, 593–602, 663, 666
Maxwell relationships, 99–103
monatomic gases, 604–608
natural variables, 96–99
nonideal gases, 10–17
order, 79–81, 602
overview, 1, 3–5, 21, 24, 66, 586, 616
partial derivatives, 8–10, 18–21

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