Physical Chemistry , 1st ed.

(Darren Dugan) #1

spectroscopy (continued)
nonlinear molecules, 498–502
normal vibration modes, 483–484
nuclear magnetic resonance, 571–582
overtone spectroscopy, 489, 503–504
overview, 461–462, 514, 519–520, 556, 560–561, 582–583
electron systems, 543–546
phosphorescence, 548–550
photoelectric effect, 253, 259
polyatomic molecules, 541–543
quantum-mechanical treatment, 484–487
Raman spectroscopy, 511–514
rotational spectroscopy, 471–479
rotational-vibrational spectroscopy, 506–511
rotations in molecules, 466–471, 482
Russell-Saunders coupling, 526–534
selection rules, 462–463, 471–473, 487–490, 513, 520
symmetry considerations, 496–498
vibrational spectroscopy, 487–504
vibrational structure, 539–541
Zeeman spectroscopy, 560, 564–567
speed,see alsovelocity
average speed, 664–665
most probable speed, 664–665
root-mean-square speed, 657–658, 664–665
spherical harmonics, 344–345
spherical polar coordinates
Cartesian coordinates compared, 341–342
description, 341
spherical top, 634
description, 371–374
Pauli exclusion principle, 377–382, 413, 532, 537, 630–631
spin angular momentum, 371–372, 522–525, 572
spin orbitals, 377–382
spin-orbit coupling, 523
spin-spin coupling, 577
spontaneous processes
chemical potential, 108–110, 114
conditions for, 89–92, 108
description, 62, 66, 89
electromotive force relationship, 213
lasers, 550–551
prediction, 67–68
standard internationsl units
pressure, 2–3
temperature, 3, 7
volume, 2–3
standard potentials, in electrochemistry, 215–218
standard reduction potentials, 215–216
standard temperature and pressure, 7–8
Stark, Johannes, 477
Stark effect, 477–478
state,see alsoquantum numbers

common units, 3
equations of state, 5–9, 11, 100–101, 105
variables, 2–5, 7
state functions
change, 38–42
entropy, 72–79, 81–85
free energy,seeGibbs free energy
internal energy, 33–36, 38–42
natural variable equations, 90, 96–99
in terms of partition functions, 608–613
static equilibrium, 120
statistical thermodynamics
concepts, 587–590
crystals, 644–648
ensemble, 590–593
equilibria, 640–644
Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, 593–602, 663, 666
monatomic gases, 604–608
overview, 586–587, 613, 616–617
partition functions, 586, 596–600, 604–613, 617–623,
rotations, 628–636
state functions, 608–613
thermodynamic properties, 600–604, 637–640
thermodynamic property derivation, 600–604
vibrations, 623–628
steady-state approximation, 710–714
Stefan-Boltzmann constant, 254–255, 259
steric factor, 705–706
Stern-Gerlach experiment, 371
stimulated absorption, 550
stimulated emissions, 550–552
Stirling’s approximation, 588
stoichiometric compounds, in solid/solid solutions, 191
Stokes, George G., 512
Stokes’ law, 235
Stokes’ lines, 512
Clapeyron equation, 151
description, 52, 143
heat of sublimation, 146
pressure relationship, 161–162
substitutional defect, 759
supersaturated solution, 186
catalysis, 783–788
coverage, 783–788
films, 766, 777–778
interface effects, 771–777
overview, 765–766, 788–789
solid surfaces, 778–783
surface energy, 768–771, 779
surface tension, 766–771


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